UKRI: Expression of interest: transforming UK food systems for health and environment

Application deadline: 22/04/2021 EOI

Maximum grant: £2m

Maximum project length: 3 years

Funding is available to support interdisciplinary research into interventions that will transform the UK food system.

Your project should bring together elements from both of these areas:

  • production, processing, manufacturing, food environments
  • healthier diets and consumption.

Your project must be led by a UK- based researcher at a research organisation eligible for BBSRC funding or an eligible public sector research organisation.

Your project can be led by any discipline but must:

  • integrate both social and natural sciences
  • collaborate with at least one stakeholder organisation from government, business or civil society
  • address UK government priorities.

The Transforming UK Food Systems SPF (Global Food Security programme website) is an interdisciplinary research programme that will help transform the UK food system within a global context by addressing two over-arching questions:

  1. If we put healthy people and a healthy natural environment at the heart of the food system, what would we eat, how would we encourage people to eat it, and where would that food come from? What would we grow and manufacture in the UK and what would we need to import?
  2. In delivering this transformed food system, what interventions would be needed across government, business and civil society?

This programme will consider the complex interactions between health, environment, economic and behavioural factors across the food system, while taking into account wider needs for different groups in society. The programme will foster a joined-up approach linking nutritionally healthy and accessible diets with sustainable food production and supply. It will deliver coherent evidence to enable concerted action from
government, business and civil society to help achieve dietary health, obesity reduction and net zero emission goals.
