Event: Ageing: The Funder Landscape and our work at Newcastle University

04 October 2021 9:00 – 14:30 (with lunch included)
Kings Hall, Armstrong Building, Newcastle University

Participation numbers limited to 50 places.

Register your attendance at:  https://forms.ncl.ac.uk/view.php?id=12105437

With a number of funders detailing priorities in the area of ageing, we are delighted to be able to host a day dedicated to both the funding landscape and our work at Newcastle University in this area.

Speakers taking part in the day:

Eve Forrest, highlighting ESRC’s Inclusive Ageing and UKRI’s Healthy Ageing Challenge
David Calder, discussing the research and engagement programmes at Innovate UK
Ellie Ford from Zinc, highlighting the ISCF Knowledge Catalyst Scheme
John Mathers, Director for the Centre for Healthier Lives
Tom Scharf and Shirley Jordan, Directors for the Centre for Ageing and Inequalities
Anya McCarthy, on behalf of the National Innovation Centre for Ageing and VOICE
Annette Pantall, showcasing work being supported by the Ageing Catalyst

We look forward to seeing you there on the day.
