Faculty Impact Fund – Autumn 2021 call now open

The aim of FIF is to enable knowledge exchange (KE) and impact activities helping researchers maximise the impact from their work and contribute to economic, societal, and cultural development in their region and beyond. It is open to researchers across all disciplines in HaSS. Guidelines and application forms are available on the internal Faculty Impact pages here.

With demand likely to be high and our budget restricted, applications should be limited to a £5k budget. Where there are exceptional circumstances, projects with a higher budget (up to £10k) will be considered, although applications will need to justify the strategic significance and reach of the project to the panel. Normal HEIF rules apply and all spend for projects must be complete by 31st July 2022 without exception.

The closing date is on Friday 5th November 2021. Please contact the Research Team in advance of the deadline to discuss your costs, before submitting your completed application to nubsdirectorofresearch@ncl.ac.uk. All applications will be checked and sent to the Director of Research prior to submission to the Faculty team the following week (Friday 12th November 2021).

Applications for “urgency funding” will be considered outside this competition where opportunities arise that require an immediate decision. Such applications will normally be for relatively small sums (e.g. up to £2k). Chair’s action will be taken in such instances after electronic consultation with panel members.

If you have any questions on the fund or the criteria, please contact Eris Williams Reed (eris.williams-reed@ncl.ac.uk)
