PI Development Programme: Research Impact *booking open*

PI Development Programme: Research impact – what you need to know as a new PI

As a new PI, you will no doubt have heard the term “impact” but may not know much about its importance or relevance to you. Here, we explore what this term means and how you can maximise the impact of your research, as well as how to foster a culture of impact within your team. During this programme, you will hear from the University impact team, a PI about their perspectives of impact generation as well as have the opportunity to ask a Business Development Manager all of the questions you might have about commercialisation and IP. After this, we will have a general discussion about topics that come up, and afterwards you will have a chance to have more in-depth discussion one-to-one with an impact officer from your Faculty impact team.

The session is aimed at new PIs. The PI perspective is being given by Colin Murray from Law – not to be missed.

Booking is now open for this session (on Zoom) – for full details and to book, please visit: https://elements.ncl.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=1812.
