AHRC Pre-Announcement for Design Exchange Partnerships: Designing Net Zero

The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) is inviting proposals to the scaled-up Design Exchange Partnership scheme, which seeks to demonstrate tangible impact on local communities. In particular, AHRC are keen to see this in places where investment can make the biggest difference to everyday life, including ex-industrial areas, deprived towns and coastal communities.

This first full round will focus on the specific net zero+ and climate emergency challenges faced by the UK’s island and coastal communities.

A range of different types of design intervention can be supported, from product or service level innovation through to strategic, systems-level design thinking.

Individual project objectives might be:

  • The design of an everyday product from sustainable materials
  • Devising a new form of service delivery that supports the business’s growth while reducing its overall carbon footprint
  • Identifying user needs for low carbon products and services
  • The development of roadmaps towards circular business models.

The project should demonstrate human-centred design research processes. Applicants can include activities to:

  • Identify high-value innovation opportunities and define what makes a desirable, fit-for-purpose solution
  • Create ideas for new or significantly improved products or services
  • Test and improve ideas by using fast, low-cost visuals, prototypes or simulations
  • Clearly communicate ideas ready for further investment and research and development activity.

Applicants should aim to start their project no later than 1 February 2023 and end their project no later than 31 January 2024.

The full economic cost of the project can be up to £40,000, plus a 5-10% non-academic partner organisation contribution. AHRC will fund 80% of the full economic cost.

This funding opportunity will be using a bespoke application portal with a light touch application form.

The funding opportunity will open on 1 September 2022 where the full call details will be available.

This is a pre-announcement and therefore information may change.
