Faculty Research Fund Spring 2022

All career stages of staff are encouraged to apply for funding, whether early-career, mid-career or established academic colleagues, however note that the likely significance of an award to the career development of the applicant is a factor in the assessment.  Applications are welcomed for both work leading to an application for external funding (the Faculty’s Bid Preparation Fund should be used where the application will exceed £200k) and funding to generate a significant output.

The deadline dates are as follows:

  • Applicants to submit their application form electronically to their Director of Research (nubsdirectorofresearch@ncl.ac.uk) by 17:00 on Monday 16th May 2022.
  • A maximum of six applications to be submitted to Faculty by each School
  • Applications will be considered by a panel on 8th June and the results will be communicated within 10 working days of the panel meeting.

Further information is available at: https://newcastle.sharepoint.com/hub/hss/Pages/research_internalfunding_frf.aspx
