ESRC Launch Call for Food System Trials

The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) wish to appoint a research team to develop an ambitious programme of research trials in the English food system, to gather robust evidence about the effectiveness of interventions aimed at encouraging and enabling healthier and more sustainable diets for all.

This programme is a partnership between ESRC and multiple government departments, including:

  • Defra
  • FSA
  • DHSC
  • DfE.

This opportunity is for an initial co-design phase of five months to support a research team in working with government

During the co-design phase, the research team will be required to:

  • Work with government partners to develop a detailed proposal for a programme of research trials that will test the effectiveness of different food system interventions (both in isolation and combination) aimed at encouraging and enabling healthier and more environmentally sustainable diets
  • Build a consortium of partners during the co-design phase that will enable the successful delivery of the programme.

The call is seeking a research team based at institutions eligible for ESRC funding with expertise in:

  • Trial design
  • Health
  • The food system.

Eligible UK research organisations include:

  • UK higher education institutions
  • Research council institutes
  • NHS bodies
  • Eligible public sector research establishments
  • UKRI-approved independent research organisations.

The team must be led by a principal investigator based at an eligible UK research organisation. That organisation will be responsible for submitting the grant application to UKRI.

The full economic cost of the project can be up to £450,000. ESRC and its funding partners will fund 80% of the full economic cost. The applicant organisation must agree to fund the remaining 20% of the full economic cost.

Applications for the co-design phase must be submitted by the deadline of 20 September 2022 (4pm UK time).

Applicants successful at this stage are expected to apply for delivery phase funding in March 2023.
