Research Funding Writing Retreat for Established (Mid-Career) Researchers

The Research Funding Development Team are holding a Research Funding Writing Retreat on the 12th and 13th June, 9.15am-4.45pm, at The Common Room in Newcastle City Centre. The Writing Retreat is aimed at Established (Mid-Career) Researchers from all faculties who are preparing a research funding application and want to block time out to focus on writing.

The Writing Retreat will consist of a structured timetable with set times for independent writing and regular breaks. Lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day. Members of the Research Funding Development Team will be on hand to support writers with their grant applications.

The Common Room is a unique heritage venue in the centre of Newcastle, a few minutes’ walk from Central Station, providing a convenient off-campus location.

To register your interest, please complete the form here by the 22nd May:

This opportunity is funded by the Newcastle University Research Culture fund and is organised by the Research Funding Development Team as part of our initiative to protect research time for Established (mid-career) researchers.  We have a space for a maximum of 20 people, if we have more than that register, we will select applicants based on their answers to the form with a view to providing a spread across the faculties.

For any questions, please contact Emma Campbell, Senior RFDM,

