Social Justice Pulse Fund 2024 – Call for funding applications

Social Justice Pulse Fund 2024

Call for funding applications

Deadline: 31 May 2024

Social justice is one of the University’s core values, and we are working to embed it across our activities of research, education and operations. As part of the refresh of our social justice work under the new Dean of Social Justice, we are seeking to fund 3 or more projects under a new format. These will address some aspect of poverty/the cost of living crisis, broadly defined.

“Pulse reviews” are intended to be rapid, short-term projects that address this issue of current societal concern. Projects may focus on research, education, operations or other areas of University activity with VCSE (voluntary, community and social enterprise sector) collaboration. Funding of up to £10,000 can be awarded for projects that build on existing collaborative work.

Projects must:

  • Be undertaken by a team consisting of at least one University colleague (academic staff, professional services staff, or PGR) and one or more VCSE organisation. The fund is aimed at partnerships who already collaborate and are looking to extend their existing work to effect change
  • Address some aspect of poverty/the cost of living crisis, including issues that intersect with these topics
  • Complete spend by the end of July 2024, and deliver findings by September 2024. Costs for VCSE partners must be included to facilitate spend by the deadline.
  • Produce a short summary report and recommendations for action
  • Engage in dissemination activities supported by the social justice team

Please note this funding is not for new projects or collaborations.

The deadline for applications is 5pm 31 May 2024. More information is available from:

