AHRC Mission Awards Outline Stage: Internal process

We can confirm that there will not be an internal demand management process for the AHRC Mission Awards Outline stage call as there is already a two stage process via the funder on this and the turnaround time is so tight inputting a panel process would complicate and restrict development of the applications.  However, we are putting in place a process to support the development of the applications which applicants will have to follow.

Please find below details of the process.  I would also be grateful if you could let your School/Institute Research Team know that you are developing an application to this scheme so they can support you with the financial aspects of the proposal.


Date Action
On confirmation of proposal going ahead Applicants to provide a brief description of the project and team composition (realising that the team composition is still in development and could change throughout the development timeline)

Applicants to provide 2 names of potential peer reviewers based at Newcastle to Lorraine Vincent (lorraine.vincent@ncl.ac.uk).  Lorraine will contact peer reviewers to see if they are able to provide peer review on the application

17 June 2024 1st draft of proposal to be sent to Lorraine Vincent for circulation of peer review
1 July 2024 Updated proposal to be sent to Lorraine Vincent for circulation of peer review
10 July 2024 Finalisation of NUProjects (latest) with School Research Team
18 July 2024 Submission of proposal to funder (latest)


Just a reminder that AHRC will be holding two webinars on this call on the 23 and 30 May, you can sign up for these on the AHRC Responsive Mode Pilot: Mission Awards Outline Stage – UKRI but please do let me know if you are unable to attend as I am going to the webinar on the 23 May so can send through my notes if need be.

As detailed in the call guidance, AHRC will be shortlisting up to 10 applications to proceed to full stage submission and likely to fund two to three applications.  At this stage I would also like to highlight that UKRI’s standard re-submission policy applies to this funding opportunity.  So if the application is rejected at any point in the assessment process applicants will not be allowed to resubmit the same, or substantively similar, proposal to any scheme.



Lorraine Vincent

Senior Research Funding Development Manager
