International Research Funding Circular – 31 January 2025

Please see the latest European and International research funding information, event and opportunity updates.



  1. NEW: Towards an ambitious FP10: Shaping Europe’s role in the world through research and innovation – CEPS report:

The Centre of European Policy Studies (CEPS) published a report presenting a vision and possible pathways towards a truly ambitious FP10. The report recommends: • FP10 will have to juggle a multiplicity of objectives. • FP10 will have to be more agile and future-proof than Horizon Europe. • The current pillar structure of Horizon Europe needs to evolve for FP10. • FP10 hemispheres should feature different rules. • The two hemispheres of FP10 would enable stronger and more coherent links with other EU and national policies.


  1. NEW: UK redoubles Horizon push:

New plans have been unveiled to make Britain’s science and technology links with the EU stronger and deeper, following a fruitful visit to Brussels by the UK’s Science and Technology Secretary, to meet some of the new slate of European Commissioners. The Government is announcing the launch of a new nationwide advertising campaign to further boost UK participation in Horizon Europe.


  1. NEW: Horizon Europe Funding Survey:

Innovate UK are keen to understand your organisation’s appetite for applying to and participating in Horizon Europe calls in the future, and any barriers to entry into the programme. It is also helpful to understand if there is any additional support we should consider, that would strengthen your organisation’s capability to successfully participate in future Horizon Europe opportunities.

Please could you complete this short survey that will help us to identify the type of support that would be of most value.


  1. NEW: UK joins cutting-edge European Research Infrastructure Consortia

The UK is joining four European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs) to further boost collaborative ties between researchers, across the Channel.

The four European Research Infrastructure Consortia the UK is joining are:

These partnerships will enable UK researchers to collaborate on projects ranging from historical research, to astronomy, to advanced river systems studies.


  1. NEW: UKRI Horizon Europe Guarantee guidance updated:

The latest version of the Horizon Europe Guarantee guidance document has been published on the UKRI website (PDF, 0.9MB), with a number of updates relevant to ERC and MSCA Guarantee grants.


  1. NEW: MSCA COFUND 2025 Guide for Applicants released:

A new version of the MSCA COFUND Guide for Applicants has been released for the 2025 programme year. The guide provide essential information about the structure of the Doctoral and Postdoctoral COFUND programmes, as well as guidance on planning COFUND projects, and instructions for completing Parts A and B of the proposal.



  1. NEW: Getting those Grants: Quiet Time for Writing – New Dates Available!

Colleagues are invited to attend a series of research funding proposal writing sessions.  These sessions are designed to give you quiet time and space to work on your research funding proposal.  The time will be largely for you to write quietly. A Research Funding Development Team colleague will be available.  To attend, you need to have an idea for a research project, programme or fellowship and be ready to start writing to convert this into a funding proposal (or have already started writing).  You ideally need to have identified the funding competition that you are writing for. The sessions will be two-hour writing sessions.  You are not required to attend every session, although you are welcome to. Please click here to see more detail and book your place:  Getting Those Grants: Quiet Time for Writing If you have any questions, please contact Jo Gascoigne-Owens (


  1. NEW: EIT Health Bootcamps:

Designed to ignite your start-up’s full potential, fast-track your innovation journey with expert mentorship, tailored support and access to invaluable resources. Discover the perfect bootcamp to match your vision:

  • Women Entrepreneurship Bootcamp – Empowering women in healthcare innovation through mentorship, investment opportunities and peer collaboration. Apply by 8 April.
  • MedTech Bootcamp – Take your MedTech ideas to the next level with targeted support for bringing solutions to market. Apply by 28 May.
  • Patient Innovation Bootcamp – Transform patient-led ideas into scalable healthcare products or services. Apply by 28 May.
  • Regulatory Pathways Bootcamp – Master healthcare regulations and streamline your innovation’s pathway to success. Apply by 28 May.



European related funding


  1. NEW: Instruct-ERIC Technology Development Call:

Instruct-ERIC is a pan-European research infrastructure in structural biology, making high-end technologies and methods available to users for basic and pre-competitive research. The programme was launched in 2008 and is part of the European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). Instruct-ERIC is inviting applications to support technology development projects of limited scope and with well defined objectives. Projects can be submitted in the area of development of ‘AI tools for Integrated Structural Biology. High risk/high gain preliminary projects are encouraged over trivial but feasible projects. Up to two pilot projects may be funded up to a maximum of €30,000. The funds are expected to cover research expenses but not normally salaries. Deadline 10 April 2025.


  1. NEW: CHIST-ERA to Launch Science in your Own Language Call:

CHIST-ERA is a consortium of research funding organisations in Europe and beyond supporting use-inspired basic research in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) or at the interface between ICT and other domains. CHIST-ERA has issued a pre-announcement of the Science in your Own Language (SOL) Call. Anticipated to launch in February 2025 with a budget of approximately €6 million, the call focuses on automatic translation of scientific knowledge in order to overcome language and cultural barriers. The following countries are anticipated to participate in this call: Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland (tbc), Slovak Republic (tbc), Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK. Researchers are encouraged to start discussing possible projects with prospective partners. The call will require that projects are submitted by international consortia with eligible and independent partners in at least three participating countries. Additional partners from other countries may be part of a consortium if they can secure their own funding. The anticipated deadline is 15 April 2025.


  1. MSCA COFUND Doctoral/Postdoctoral Fellowships:

Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) applications are now being accepted under the co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND) scheme, which provides funding for regional, national and international programmes for training and career development through co-funding mechanisms. The programme supports new or existing doctoral programmes and postdoctoral fellowship schemes managed by entities established in EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries with the aim of spreading the best practices of the MSCA. This includes international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary research training, as well as international and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers at all stages of their career. COFUND projects should last for up to five years and should recruit at least three researchers. MSCA are open to all domains of research and innovation. Any type of organisation can apply as long as they have the operational and financial capacity to carry out the tasks they propose. The budget for the 2025 call is €101.82 million. A beneficiary can receive a maximum of €10 million per call. COFUND funding helps host organisations cover for each supported researcher with a fixed amount (COFUND allowance) equivalent to the minimum salary that researchers should receive. This allowance can be used to support any cost items of the programme. Deadline 24 June 2025.


  1. Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking 2025 calls

Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking has published its 2025/26 Biannual Work Programme and this includes the 2025 Calls for Proposals (Annex VI, page 141 onward). There is €138.7m available across 10 Topics, nine of which have a planned opening date of October this year with a proposal submission deadline of February 2026. The Topic with different dates is highlighted in bold below. Note that only one project per Topic will be funded and for those marked FA1, FA2, etc, will build upon work already underway. This means that it will be very important for you do your homework and find out all you can about the ongoing projects and who is delivering them (it is very likely they will be involved in the follow-on projects in some way). The Topics below marked EXPLR are for exploratory or low TRL projects. If European Rail research is your major thrust into Horizon Europe then sign up to hear from ERJU directly via their newsletter

  • HORIZON-ER-JU-2025-FA1-TT-01: Network management planning and control & Mobility Management in a multimodal environment and Digital Enablers (€ 22.4m)
  • HORIZON-ER-JU-2025-FA2-01: Digital & Automated up to Autonomous Train Operations (€33.9m)
  • HORIZON-ER-JU-2025-FA3-01: Intelligent & Integrated asset management (€29.8m)
  • HORIZON-ER-JU-2025-FA4-01: A sustainable and green rail system (€21.3m)
  • HORIZON-ER-JU-2025-FA5-01: Sustainable Competitive Digital Green Rail Freight Services (€14.7m)
  • HORIZON-ER-JU-2025-FA6-01: Regional rail services / Innovative rail services to revitalise capillary lines (€11.4m)
  • HORIZON-ER-JU-2025-FA7-01: Further Technological development of Maglev-derived Systems (€3.m) opening 26 Feb 25 for 7 May 25 submission deadline)
  • HORIZON-ER-JU-2025-EXPLR-01: Studies on rail 5.0 (€0.6m)
  • HORIZON-ER-JU-2025-EXPLR-02: Studies on innovation in climate finance for rail (€0.6m)
  • HORIZON-ER-JU-2025-EXPLR-03: Extending the rail network of PhDs (€1m)


  1. Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) calls 9 and 10 launched:

IHI call 9 – a single-stage, applicant driven call:

The following topics were launched under IHI call 9 on 16 January 2025. The final versions of the call texts are available on the IHI call 9 page – applicants should read them carefully.

  • Topic 1 (SO1): Boosting innovation for a better understanding of the determinants of health
  • Topic 2 (SO2): Boosting innovation through better integration of fragmented health R&I efforts
  • Topic 3 (SO3): Boosting innovation for peopled centred integrated healthcare solutions
  • Topic 4 (SO4):Boosting innovation through exploitation of digitalisation and data exchange in healthcare
  • Topic 5 (SO5):Boosting innovation for better assessment of the added value of innovative integrated healthcare solutions

IHI call 10 – a standard, two-stage call:

The following topics were launched under IHI call 10 on 16 January 2025. The final versions of the texts are available on the IHI call 10 page – applicants should read them carefully.

  • Digital label: one source of comprehensive information for medical technology products
  • Enabling and safeguarding innovation in secondary use of health data in the European Health Data Space (EHDS)
  • Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) exposure, emissions, and end of life management in the healthcare sector


  1. Clean Hydrogen Partnership calls:

The EU Clean Hydrogen Partnership launches its new calls for proposals on with a budget of € 184.5 million for projects to support the creation of cutting-edge hydrogen technologies.  Call cover:

  • 7 topics – 40M€ funding – Renewable Hydrogen Production
  • 3 topics – 16M€ funding – Hydrogen Storage and Distribution
  • 3 topics – 17M€ funding – Transport
  • 1 topic – 5M€ funding – Heat and Power
  • 3 topics – 6.5M€ funding – Cross-cutting
  • 2 topics – 80M€ funding – Hydrogen Valleys is the National Contact Point that can help with this initiative. Deadlines are 23 April 2025.


  1. SESAR European air traffic management calls:

The SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) has announced two open calls under its Digital European Sky (DES) research and innovation programme, within the framework of Horizon Europe. With a combined budget of EUR 254 million, these calls mark the first steps in executing the new European ATM Master Plan, the comprehensive roadmap for transforming air traffic management (ATM) in Europe, published in December 2024. In short, €237m available for 14 Topics for Industrial Research and €16m available for 5 Topics for Exploratory Research. Deadline for submitting proposals is 16 September 2025.


  1. EURAMET Call for Research Ideas:

The EURAMET European Partnership on Metrology funds cutting-edge research projects which help provide effective metrological solutions to technological and societal challenges, as well as increase collaborative research between industry and academia. These advances in the field of metrology will help to support European goals in areas such as health and climate, and ensure that the European metrology system is internationally competitive. Stage 1 of the 2025 Call under the European Partnership on Metrology is open to submit potential research ideas. Anyone can submit a potential research topic (PRT) corresponding to one of the four themes for Call 2025: • Health. • Integrated European Metrology. • Metrology for Regulation. • Research Potential. Submissions can also be put forward in collaboration with National Metrology Institutes. A proportion of these PRTs will then proceed as selected research topics (SRTs). For groups who wish to collaborate and join consortia for certain SRTs, Stage 2 will open on 24 June 2025 and will close on 29 September 2025. Stage 1 submissions are open until 17 February 2025.


  1. Scientific High Level Visiting Fellowships (SSHN) 2025:

The Higher Education, Research and Innovation Service (HERI) of the French Embassy in the United Kingdom funds mobility grants for young researchers, doctoral students or post-doctoral students, residing in the United Kingdom. The research stay must take place in a French laboratory, as part of an existing collaboration, for a period of one to three months during 2025. The call is open to all disciplines. The value of these fellowships is €1,704 per month. Applications to the 2025 programme must be submitted by the deadline of 24 February 2025.


  1. COST Actions Networking Grants 2025:

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research, including social science and humanities. COST does not fund research itself, but funds the expenses of interdisciplinary research networks called COST Actions (networks that engage a team of proposers from at least 7 COST member countries with at least half from inclusiveness target countries). These support a range of networking tools, such as workshops, conferences, training schools, short-term scientific missions (STSMs), communication activities, and virtual networking tools. COST Actions enable researchers from academia, SMEs, public institutions and other relevant organisations to investigate a topic of their choice for four years. No budget forecast is requested when submitting a proposal. An estimated €125,000 is made available for a COST Action in its first year and an average of €150,000 per year for the other three years. Deadline is 21 October 2025.


  1. REMINDER: British Academy Horizon Europe Pump Priming Funding:

Principal Investigators (PIs) at universities and research institutions can apply for a grant of up to £10,000 to help them in their preparations for submitting a Horizon Europe proposal for Pillar 2 of Horizon Europe – Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness. The ambition is to support the effective uptake of the opportunities provided by the UK’s association to Horizon Europe. The purpose is not to implement the proposed projects that will be submitted to Horizon Europe, but to give the UK-based partners the resources needed to collaborate with EU organisations and stakeholders to further develop the idea and the market opportunities. The expectation is that the funding will be utilised in a variety of ways but could include feasibility studies, application advice and training, partnership building, and dedicated resource to take forward an application. Proposals are welcome in all disciplines, including engineering, natural sciences, medical and health sciences, humanities, and social sciences. The British Academy is holding a series of webinars providing further information about the opportunity and details of how to apply. Applicants can register to attend the webinars online, which will be held on the following dates: 19 November 2024, 14:00-15:00 [past, but see  slides]; 5 February 2025, 14:00-15:00. Assessment will be undertaken over multiple rounds, while funds remain. The remaining round deadlines (rounds 1 and 2 closed) are: • 12 February 2025 (17:00) • 5 March 2025 (17:00).


  1. Horizon Europe Draft Work Programmes 2025 – IN CONFIDENCE

We have obtained, in strict confidence, early drafts of some of the Horizon Europe consortium call topics for the 2025 Work Programmes – please note that these are subject to redrafting and change but may help indicate potential call topics to start to find partners and build European country consortia. Formal Work Programmes will not be finalised and published until about April 2025. Please treat confidentially:

In addition, here are draft work programmes for:

As a reminder, the European Commission has recently adopted and published the:

Note, one may request funds from the NU Horizon Europe Travel Fund (see below) to support development of partnerships towards any of these calls.


  1. REMINDER: NU Horizon Europe Travel Fund:

The purpose of the Horizon Europe travel fund is to support the development of proposals to Horizon Europe funding opportunities. Awards will be made to cover the basic costs of travel and subsistence (typically ~£500-2000) of Newcastle University staff members to meet with EU partners—we request that funds are spent within 3 months of a request being approved. It is the applicant’s responsibility to arrange travel bookings. Please complete the travel request form: . We will return a decision to you asap, typically within five working days. Should you have any queries, please email



Official development assistance (ODA) related funding


  1. NEW: Mitigation Action Facility call for projects 2025:

The Mitigation Action Facility is a go-to platform for providing technical support and climate finance for ambitious mitigation projects with an aim of decarbonising key sectors of the economy and society. The Mitigation Action Facility continues to fund ambitious climate change mitigation projects to implement Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and long-term strategies (LTS) that are central to meeting the Paris Agreement goals. The Call for Projects 2025 will offer climate finance for the implementation of mitigation projects aligned to new ambitious NDCs due in 2025 (NDCs 3.0). While the Facility focuses on three priority sectors – energy, transport and industry, submissions from cross-sectoral projects linked to one of the priority sectors are still welcome. Overall funding volume of the Call of up to EUR 100 million as well as an upper funding volume of EUR 25 million per project. Deadline for Project Concepts is 19 February 2025.


  1. Global Health Research – Health Policy and Systems bands 1 to 3:

The Global Health Research (GHR) Health Policy and Systems (HPS) programmes will soon be looking for applications to this new, annual funding opportunity. GHR-HPS funds research to improve the understanding and effectiveness of health systems and health policy in low and middle income countries (LMICs) on the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list. Research must address evidence needs relating to health systems that are locally identified and prioritised, and must promote health equity, aligning with the aims of Sustainable Development Goal 3. Applications can span from broad, ambitious programmes of research to projects with a narrower scope. The GHR-HPS programmes replace the previously run Global Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) Programme and now commissions research through 3 programme bands. Through this opportunity, funding ranges from £0.25 to £4 million, over a period up to 5 years, depending on the band you apply for. The is a webinar on 20 January 2025. Calls will open 26 February with a deadline of 18 June 2025.


  1. Climate and Health Award: Advancing climate mitigation solutions with health co-benefits in low- and middle-income countries:

This funding call will generate a body of evidence on the health effects of climate change mitigation interventions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This call builds on Wellcome’s previous funding, Advancing climate mitigation policy solutions with health co-benefits in G7 countries. This award will fund transdisciplinary research teams, led by an applicant at an LMIC-based organisation. Research funded will investigate health effects alongside the social and economic impacts of planned or implemented greenhouse gas mitigation strategies. It will reflect local priorities and produce evidence to drive positive climate and health outcomes. Funding of £500,000-£2 million per project for 2-4 years. Preliminary application deadline: 18 February 2025



General international


  1. NEW: ASEAN-UK GTF: Climate Policy, Green Finance, and Clean and Just Energy Transition Call for Proposals:

The first three pillars of ASEAN-UK GTF: Climate Policy, Green Finance, and Clean and Just Energy Transition Call for Proposals is now open.

Pillar I: Strengthening Climate Policy and Institutional Capacity (Climate Policy)

Pillar II: Greening Finance to Strategic Mitigation Action (Green Finance)

Pillar III: Accelerating Clean and Just Energy Transition Measures (Clean and Just Energy Transition)

These projects (up to £880k over 19 months) should work closely with the ASEAN Secretariat to ensure alignment with ASEAN strategic documents, provide benefits to the public and private sector as well as the wider communities through piloting transformational technologies and facilitating evidence-based climate mitigation action. Climate adaptation co-benefits are welcome. The deadline for submitting proposals is 19 February 2025.


  1. NEW: British Academy and Royal Society [Newton] International Fellowships: &

Provides support for outstanding early career researchers from outside of the UK to make a first step towards developing an independent research career through gaining experience in the UK for 2 years. The fellowships enable researchers to access expertise, gain new perspectives and build long-lasting collaborative relationships. British Academy covers humanities and social sciences and Royal Society the natural sciences and engineering. Deadline 18 March 2025.


  1. NEW: NERC Global Partnerships Seedcorn Fund 2025:

Apply for funding to create new and sustainable global partnerships within NERC remit of environmental sciences. Applications must include at least one new international partner, focus on activities that require international expertise, and show long-term potential. The full economic cost (FEC) is £100,000 for up to two years. Applications including partners in Brazil or Taiwan may be eligible for co-funding from FAPESP or NSTC, respectively. Deadline 3 April 2025.


  1. NEW: International Einstein Foundation Award:

The award is given to researchers, teams, institutions or organisations that have demonstrated excellence in areas such as fostering research integrity, developing quality-improving interventions, or increasing diversity in research. Achievements in the following four areas are considered: Reproducibility and Research Quality, MetaScience, Research Assessment and Incentives, and Accessibility and Inclusion. This may include measures such as promoting Open Science and Team Science, implementing innovative approaches to prevent misconduct, ensuring long-term data archiving, or addressing systemic factors affecting research integrity. The award also recognises contributions to reproducibility studies and the teaching of good research practices, as well as efforts to develop more appropriate methods for assessing research quality beyond purely quantitative measures. The award is presented in three categories: • Individual Award (€150k) • Institutional Award (€100k) • Early Career Award (€100k). Deadline 30 April 2025.


  1. NEW: Effects of the Usage of Digital Technology on Brain Development, Social Behaviours and Mental Health in Children and Young People:

Huo Family Foundation is establishing a research portfolio on the Effects of the Usage of Digital Technology on Brain Development, Social Behaviours and Mental Health in Children and Young People.

We are pleased to announce an open call for proposals with a total budget of up to £10M/$13M. We welcome applications for Huo early-career fellowships [up to three years, up to £130k/$169k pa], junior faculty research grants [up to three years, up to £200k/$260k pa] and special projects [up to four years, up to £300k/$390k pa]. We are keen to support multi-disciplinary work. We want to help train the next generation of exceptional scientists in this rapidly evolving field.  Applications should attempt to understand mechanisms, causal pathways and directions. Awarded grants can be held at colleges, universities and research institutes in the UK and in the US only. Deadline 23 May 2025.


  1. NEW: ACLS 2025 Leading Edge Fellowships:

The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Leading Edge Fellowships place recent humanities PhDs with nonprofit organizations promoting social justice in their communities. Fellows take on substantive roles that draw on the skills and capacities honed in the course of earning the humanities PhD, including advanced communication, research, project management, and creative problem solving. The fellowships are designed to foster mutually beneficial partnerships between fellows and their hosting organizations. Applicants must have a PhD that will have been formally conferred by their university between September 1, 2020, and August 31, 2025. Deadline 12 March 2025.


  1. NEW: INHA – National Institute of Art History (France) 2026 International Guest Researchers:

In order to encourage national and international exchanges, the National Institute of Art History (INHA) will host researchers for a period of between 1 and 3 months. Priority will be given to senior researchers (having defended their thesis for at least 5 years) or history of art professionals having acquired equivalent professional experience, whether they are affiliated with an institution or independent. INHA will cover the researcher’s travel (one round-trip to Paris) and accommodation expenses (up to €1,300/month). Deadline 31 March 2025.


  1. Nature Awards Inspiring Women in Science:

The Nature Awards for Inspiring Women in Science are presented in partnership with The Estée Lauder Companies. This collaboration aims to celebrate and support the achievements of women in science, as well as initiatives that encourage girls and young women to engage with STEM subjects and pursue STEM careers worldwide. There are two categories: Science Outreach category is open to organisations, departments, individuals (of any gender), or project teams. Scientific Achievement category, applicants must self-identify as a woman and hold a PhD, medical degree (MD), or another doctorate by dissertation obtained within the last 10 years. Additionally, applicants must be in a non-tenured position at the time of application, and applications are accepted from individuals working in STEM fields. Two winners will be awarded $50,000, and two runners up will receive $5,000. Deadline 9 April 2025.


  1. ASAP Collaborative Research Network Scientific Track Call for Parkinson’s Disease Research:

Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) is a global coordinated research initiative that seeks to accelerate discoveries for Parkinson’s disease (PD). The ASAP Collaborative Research Network (CRN) initiative is an international, multidisciplinary and multi-institutional network of collaborating investigators working to address high-priority science questions. CRN is focused on three key scientific themes related to PD – functional genomics, neuro-immune interactions, and circuitry and brain-body interactions. ASAP CRN’s Scientific Track funding is an open competitive funding opportunity for the research community to provide additional capital to spur discovery for PD research. ASAP will support higher-risk, large-scale, ambitious projects across the Scientific Track scheme and the Technical Track sister scheme (due to open in spring 2025). For this Scientific Track call, applications must focus on dissecting the mechanisms that contribute to PD heterogeneity in one of six key focus areas (see call link). Application is open to research teams, which are required to be multidisciplinary and multi-institutional. Teams may request funds up to $3 million total costs per year to support up to a three-year research plan (ie up to $9 million in total). There is a two-stage application process consisting of a mandatory Letter of Intent with deadline of 20 March 2025 (18:00 ET).


  1. Jérôme Lejeune Foundation Spring 2025 Down Syndrome proposals:

The Foundation’s spring 2025 call for proposals will be dedicated to both Down syndrome and other rare intellectual disorders of genetic origin such as Fragile X, cri du chat, Rett, Williams-Beuren, Prader-Willi, Angelman, Smith-Magenis and other syndromes. Autism research not linked to the aforementioned diseases is not eligible. Eligible projects could cover basic, translational, epidemiological or clinical research, neurobiology, and pharmacology including animal pharmacology, genetic, genomic, iPSCs, and neuropsychology techniques or data analysis. Applications are welcome from candidates affiliated with any research institution around the world. Eligible applicants are researchers investigating Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities with a genetic origin appearing in early childhood. Pilot (up to €50k) and Advanced (up to €80k) over two years are available. Deadline 7 March 2025.


  1. Roux Prize for Disease Burden Research:

The Roux Prize is a $100,000 award available to individuals and groups, based anywhere in the world, who have used health evidence in innovative ways to improve population health. The prize is administered by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), based at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and was established in 2013 to encourage efforts to make Global Burden of Disease (GBD) research – encompassing research that investigates health loss due to diseases, injuries and risk factors by age, sex, and geography over time, including antimicrobial resistance and climate change – more accessible and useful and recognise innovative applications of GBD research to improve global health. Award winners can use the prize fund for any research, educational or personal purpose. Self-nominations are discouraged. Deadline 7 March 2025.


  1. Australia-UK platform studies in areas of unmet clinical need:

The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Australia, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Australia and National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) UK are inviting applications for ambitious platform studies in areas of unmet medical need. The platform must be internationally collaborative, with joint leads based in Australia and the United Kingdom. Deadline 23 July 2025.


  1. Lung Cancer Research Foundation Fund grants:

The mission of the Lung Cancer Research Foundation (LCRF) is to improve lung cancer outcomes by funding research for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure of lung cancer. They have a number of grant schemes open that include:

  • 2025 LCRF Leading Edge Research Grant Program
  • 2025 LCRF Research Grant on Prevention and Early Detection in Lung Cancer
  • 2025 LCRF Research Grant on Overcoming Resistance in Lung Cancer
  • 2025 LCRF Minority Career Development Award (CDA) in Lung Cancer
  • 2025 LCRF | Bayer Research Award on Innovative Therapeutic Strategies to Treat Lung Cancers Harboring HER2 Mutations and/or Other HER2 Alterations

The first four schemes listed are for grants of up to $150k over two years, while the last one is for $500k over two year. Investigators must be affiliated with a non-profit, academic or research institution. An applicant must have a postdoctoral or clinical research fellow appointment and/or a faculty position and may have any level of research experience. Letters of Intent must be submitted by 3 March 2025.

  1. Global Centre on Biodiversity for Climate (GCBC) Research Grant Competition:

From February 2025, GCBC will be inviting concept note proposals for projects that address either of the two themes below. Successful applicants from this first round will then be invited to submit full proposals. Applicants will be invited to submit proposals for projects that address either theme. All proposals need to address poverty alleviation and climate resilience, focusing on approaches that better value, protect, restore and sustainably manage biodiversity.

  • Theme 1: Using biodiversity to improve the climate resilience of agricultural, food and bioeconomy value chains
  • Theme 2: Biodiversity hotspots in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

Grants sums of between £100,000 and £1 million are offered for projects of 12-36 months duration. Concept Note Competition Window Closes: Monday, 17th March, 2025. Note also: • How to Prepare a Concept Note Application (Webinar): 07.00 hrs and 16.00 hrs, GMT, Monday 27th January, 2025. • Research for Impact (Webinar): 07.00 hrs and 16.00 hrs, GMT, Thursday 30th January, 2025.

  1. Ocean Community Empowerment and Nature (OCEAN) Grants:

OCEAN is a new competitive grants scheme that will support innovative proposals from local coastal communities and organisations that aim to deliver marine protection and reduce poverty worldwide. It is part of the UK’s Blue Planet Fund – a £500 million programme supporting developing countries to protect the marine environment and reduce poverty – and aims to support the people and communities most impacted by declining ocean health and climate change through funding local solutions to local problems. OCEAN’s overall goal is to place the ocean on a path to recovery, and for local communities and nature to thrive side by side. To achieve this, grants will be awarded through two different funding pathways:

  • Community Grants, up to £250k, stage 1 deadline 17th February 2025
  • Partnership Grants, £500k to £3M, stage 1 deadline 24th March 2025


  1. Spencer Foundation Research Grant Programs:

The Spencer Foundation invests in education research that cultivates learning and transforms lives: ‘The goal of all of our research grants is to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in education. We value work that fosters creative and open-minded scholarship, engages in deep inquiry, and examines robust questions related to education. We seek to support scholarship that develops new foundational knowledge that may also have a lasting impact on policy-making, practice, or educational discourse.’. Grants include:

  • Racial Equity Research Grants – intent to apply deadline in May 2025, with proposal deadline June 2025
  • Research Grants on Education: Large – intent to apply deadline is 14 January 2025, with proposal deadline 11 February 2025
  • Research Grants on Education: Small – open mid-February with proposal deadline in mid-April 2025


  1. Global 3Rs Awards 2025:

The Global 3Rs Awards programme recognises significant innovative contributions towards the 3Rs of animal research to advance ethical science. The 3Rs are the Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal use. The scheme is open to any researcher in academia or industry working in any area of biology (eg basic science, discovery, development, teaching, testing, manufacture of new medicines, vaccines, medical devices, or healthcare products for humans and animals). Up to four regional awards are available: North America, Europe, Pacific Rim and the Rest of the World. Award nominations must be based on a primary research paper that advances any of the 3Rs and has been published in a peer-reviewed journal in the last three years. Candidates may be nominated or can self-nominate. Up to four awards of $10,000 each are available. Nominations must be submitted by the deadline of 1 June 2025 (16:00 EDT).



Project Initiation Form (PIF):

If you’re in the process of developing a research proposal please ensure you submit a PIF as soon as possible. The PIF is not just a mechanism to initiate a costing, it enables the research support team to identify and engage on your behalf the varying types of research and business support beneficial to your bid. Please note you don’t need to define all resources required before engaging with the team. To maximise the support available to you, PIF submission is advised at your earliest convenience.
