Celebrating Success: Dr David Lain

Congratulations to David on the multi-disciplinary book series he is editing, along side Professor Sarah Vickerstaff from the University of Kent.

The book series focusses on older workers and retirement:

Work and retirement in older age are undergoing radical change, with governments now actively promoting extended working lives. While the abolition of mandatory retirement ages in some countries has increased choice over retirement timing, changes to pensions have increased pressures to work longer across OECD countries. This changing context creates new opportunities for those who want to continue working, new challenges for organisations seeking to manage late careers, and new inequalities for disadvantaged groups forced to work longer.

Rethinking Work, Ageing and Retirement is an exciting new multidisciplinary series that is seeking book proposals to explore these developments. It will bring together researchers from a range of fields including management and organisational studies, gerontology, sociology, psychology and social policy, to explore the impact of extended working lives on older people and organisations. Areas we expect the series to cover include the management of older workers and their experiences in employment; the changing financial context of work and retirement; and the impact of health, technology, training, caring and volunteering on employment in older age. Authored and edited books of around 60,000 to 80,000 words will provide country-level and comparative analyses on these topics. The books will be of interest to academics, students and practitioners.”

More information about the series is available on the Bristol website.

The call for book proposals will be advertised in the coming weeks.

