Celebrating Success: Dr Andreas Giazitzoglu

Congratulations to Andreas on the recent acceptance of the following two articles:

Giazitzoglu A. This Sporting Life: the intersection of hegemonic masculinities, space and emotions among rugby players.Gender, Work and Organization 2019,

  • This paper uses ethnographic data to consider how men who play rugby perform different constructions of hegemonic masculinities in the various ‘hyper-masculine’ spaces they enter. It takes a Lefebvrean view of space, and a view of emotions influenced by Bolton, ontologically .

MacDonald R, Giazitzoglu A. Youth, enterprise and precarity: or, what is, and what is wrong with, the ‘gig economy’?Journal of Sociology 2019,

  • With a particular focus on younger people, this article critically examines the gig-economy and the sorts of jobs it offers.