Celebrating Success: Prof Natasha Mauthner

Professor Natasha Mauthner delivered a keynote address at a symposium on the Listening Guide feminist method of narrative analysis, hosted by the University of Huddersfield in November 2019. The event brought together researchers from across the UK working at the interface of feminist scholarship and narrative research. It explored the opportunities and challenges of using this method of data analysis for critical understanding and making sense of women’s storytelling and lives. In her keynote, Natasha discussed her experiences of using, developing and teaching this method for the past three decades; and she discussed the history and philosophy of the Listening Guide by situating it within the broader context of second-wave feminism and its identity-politics and voice-giving project. The symposium also included workshops on how to use the Listening Guide, with examples taken from research with women seeking asylum, mothers in prison, female entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia, and trans-women’s experiences of personal and intimate relationships and domestic abuse. The event was accompanied by an exhibition showcasing how researchers and artists collaborated together to produce visual representations of the Listening Guide method and its analytic work and results.

Further information can be found here.
