UKRI Healthy Ageing Catalyst Awards Launch for 2022-23

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), in partnership with Zinc, are inviting outline proposals for the Healthy Ageing Catalyst Awards. The prize, though funded by UKRI, is part of the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) healthy longevity global competition.

The award provides grants for academics based at UK Research Organisations to translate high-risk, high-reward research into products and services to assist with healthy ageing. Projects with the potential to be sustained through a commercial spin-out, social enterprise, IP licensing or other sustainability models are also welcomed.

Solutions should be based on a real problem that needs to be solved, and a real understanding of the people who are affected. The funding can be used for a range of activities, including testing the desirability, feasibility and viability of ideas, market research, piloting, prototyping and user-testing.

Successful projects should allow everyone to remain active, productive, independent and socially connected across generations for as long as possible; and narrow the gap between the experiences of the richest and the poorest.

In addition to 12 months of funding from UKRI, applicants will receive nine months of part-time support from its partner, Zinc. Applicants will have access to:

  • Workshops, talks and coaching sessions with Zinc’s associates.
  • Office hours with Zinc Fellows.
  • One-to-one guidance from Zinc’s R&D and Accelerate teams to support the development of the innovation.
  • User groups, to test ideas and prototypes.
  • Multiple opportunities to meet peers in the Healthy Ageing industry and showcase the project as it develops throughout the programme.

Applicants must have a PhD or similar research experience and be based at a UK research organisation eligible for funding.

Proposals are welcome from all discipline areas, but those covering areas normally associated with the arts, social science and the humanities are particularly encouraged. Early career researchers are also encouraged.

The Catalyst Awards will provide £50,000 for one year. This is awarded at 80% full Economic Cost (fEC), so recipients’ research organisations must cover the remaining £12,500 balance.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend a preparation workshop in December 2021 and January 2022 to help them prepare for Stage One of the application process. Applicants may register their interest in a workshop here.

Expressions of interest should be submitted by the 22 February 2022 deadline.

Following the outline stage assessment, shortlisted proposals will be invited to submit full proposals.
