BA/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowships Opens for 2021

British Academy/Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowships are intended to afford established scholars a period of respite from teaching and administrative duties, allowing them to focus on the completion of a major research undertaking in any area of the humanities and social sciences.

Rather than funding research directly, these Fellowships provide funds to cover the salary and associated costs of employing a full-time replacement lecturer, who should normally be at an early career stage and appointed at the usual starting salary for first-time appointments.

Applications are sought from serving members of academic staff employed in UK universities or other scholarly institutions, who intend to pursue original, independent research in any field of study within the humanities or social sciences.

Awards are intended to provide opportunities for scholars who have already published works of intellectual distinction, but whose teaching and administrative responsibilities hamper the completion of a major piece of research.

The only cost payable will be the salary of a replacement lecturer together with associated employers’ costs of NI and USS (and London Allowance where applicable).

Applications must be submitted online by the deadline of 17 November 2021 (5pm UK time).
