AHRC International Placement Scheme 2022 Opens for Applications

The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) operates an International Placement Scheme (IPS) to enable early career researchers (ECR), doctoral level research assistants and AHRC funded doctoral students to take up short term placement in order to make use of internationally renowned research collections, programmes and expertise to conduct research.

IPS scholars are based at one of the following institutions:

  • The Huntington Library, California, USA
  • The Library of Congress (LoC), Washington DC, USA
  • National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU), Japan
  • Smithsonian Institution, Washington D C, USA.

Placements last for between three and six months, and IPS fellows will receive a monthly allowance, visa costs, and contributions towards travel costs.

All placements must take place in one continuous block of time.

To be eligible, applicants should be either:

  • An AHRC-funded PhD student
  • An early career researcher or postdoctoral research assistant.

AHRC applicants must be applying to undertake primary research in an AHRC subject area for all hosts.

ESRC applicants are only eligible to apply to Library of Congress and as such must be applying to undertake primary research in an ESRC subject area.

Awards comprise an £1,000 stipend for travel and visa costs and a living stipend of £1,750 for each month of the fellowship.

Exceptionally, limited additional support may be agreed by the AHRC on a case by case basis for applicants with disabilities, in order to support inclusive and accessible participation.

All costs will be paid directly to the submitting UK RO at 100% full economic cost.

Applications cannot be accepted directly from students – all applications must come from the UK RO and be in the name of someone at the RO eligible to submit an application. However, ECRs should submit their own applications.

Applicants should submit their application using the research councils’ Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system by 24 February 2022 (4pm UK time).

Applications will need to go through the approval process at the UK RO prior to this deadline.

The Je-S application system will open on 9 December.
