Launching the QR Enhancing Research Culture (ERC) Fund Call

Do you have an idea that has the potential to shape and enhance research culture at Newcastle University (or beyond)? If so, read on!

Today a new internal fund is being launched to support projects that are led by members of our research community and that help us build a more positive Research Culture. As a University, we are fully committed to enhancing our research culture and investing funds to accelerate change in areas that matter most to our research community.

Of course, culture change belongs to everyone. Through this call, we are looking to amplify ideas proposed by members of the University’s research community, and grasp opportunities to work in partnership with our colleagues and students to support improvements they would most like to see. We welcome ideas from across job families, career stages (including PGR students), and disciplines.

The funding for this call has been granted to Newcastle University by Research England. In December 2021, Research England offered universities a form of ‘hypothecated’ Quality-related Research (QR) funding to enhance Research Culture. Research England requires that this funding is spent by the end of July 2022. For more information on the background to the fund, please visit the fund homepage.

In preparing an application, some key things to consider are:

  • We are looking for projects that support implementation of the University’s Research Strategy, and Research Culture Vision and Roadmap.
  • Activities could include, for example: invited speakers or workshops on specific topics; collection of data on a specific issue to inform future actions or potentially underpin future grant applications in this area; or piloting of training or career development opportunities.
  • Projects are not expected to exceed £20K and projects of a lower value are encouraged. Value for money is an evaluation criterion.
  • Due to Research England’s deadline, projects will normally need to be completed by 31st July 2022.

The call closes at 5pm on Friday 18th February, with decisions made within ten days of submission.

Please see the call criteria and guidance for further details, and if you have any questions, please direct these to Please contact the School research team ( in advance of submission to check your costs.
