AHRC Launches Pre-Announcement Call to Enable a Responsible Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem

The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) will soon be launching a new collaborative programme to enable a responsible AI ecosystem. AHRC want the development and deployment of AI and related data-driven technologies to be responsible, ethical and accountable by default.

AHRC is appointing a programme director to drive, oversee and coordinate the delivery of the programme, working closely with AHRC and other partners as required.

The programme director will be the public face of the programme. They will provide a vision for how the UK’s research strengths in responsible AI, from humanities, arts and social sciences, through to engineering and computer science, can:

  • Support an environment in which responsible and ethical approaches to AI enable innovation
  • Stimulate economic growth
  • Deliver wider public benefit.

It will be up to the successful programme director and team to define priorities, and to design appropriate mechanisms for delivering activities, either directly or with partners. Activities may include:

  • Convening diverse communities to foster successful collaborative partnerships
  • Responding to consultations and inquiries
  • Carrying out deep-dives and evidence synthesis
  • Developing resources to support training and capacity building
  • Engaging with and consulting with stakeholders, including the public
  • Communicating about the programme.

This list is illustrative and not exhaustive. AHRC encourages creativity and innovation in the delivery of ecosystem support and will consider any activities that applicants can demonstrate will add value to the wider UK landscape and further the impact and reach of the programme.

AHRC anticipate that the opportunity will commence in November 2022.

This is a pre-announcement and the information may change. Full details will be available when the call is scheduled to open in June 2022.

Further details can be found at:  https://www.ukri.org/opportunity/enabling-a-responsible-artificial-intelligence-ecosystem/
