Unique opportunity to share with your postdoctoral researchers to participate in a C-DICE Sandpit

Applications are now open for the “reducing carbon in built environment systems” sandpit organised by C-DICE, the Centre for Postdoctoral Development in Infrastructure, Cities and Energy, and run in collaboration with the Net-Zero Infrastructure Industry Coalition. They are seeking postdoctoral researchers to join interdisciplinary teams and propose projects exploring options and solutions to help understand the systems and interactions in the built environment that help determine the optimal path for carbon reduction.

The Centre for Postdoctoral Development in Infrastructure, Cities and Energy (C-DICE) is offering postdoctoral researchers the opportunity to win seed-corn funding through its sandpit focusing on reducing carbon in built environment systems.

Held between 27 September and 13 October 2022, this Sandpit is a unique developmental opportunity for postdoctoral researchers to gain multidisciplinary and cross-sector skills and expertise, and to generate collaborative research ideas that can be further developed via the available seed-corn funding.

It is open to researchers with an interest in Net-Zero, including those who have a background in engineering, economics, geography, and public policy.

PhD students are eligible to apply but must have passed the viva with minor corrections before sandpit sessions start on 27 September 2022.

Revised application closing date: Thursday 28 July 2022, 2pm.

Read more about this sandpit and apply!
