MOS and Marketing Research Community Seminar – Dr Seongsoo (Simon) Jang

Title: Conducting empirics-based marketing research using real-world data
Guest Speaker: Seongsoo (Simon) Jang, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University

Date: 04 November 2022
Time: 10:00- 11:30 pm
Location: NUBS 2.12 & Zoom


Meeting ID: 819 1983 4613
Passcode: 522994

Dr Jang is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Cardiff Business School at Cardiff university. As an interdisciplinary empirical researcher, he does quantitative research on digital marketing, health/sustainability marketing, and tourism/hospitality analytics by (1) using real-world data collected from two-sided platforms, mobile app operators, and other commercial sources, (2) combining psychology/behavioral theories and advanced methods (hierarchical modeling, text mining, and spatial analytics), and (3) addressing contemporary marketing and business problems. He has published in decent marketing and tourism journals, including Journal of Product Innovation Management, British Journal of Management, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, and International Journal of Hospitality Management. He has done several consulting projects for small and medium enterprises (UK and France), the largest bakery franchise (South Korea), the largest mobile exercise app operator (South Korea), and luxury hotel chain (Turkey). Before he started his full-time academic career from 2014, he had worked as a marketing strategy/analytics manager for the largest wireless carrier (SK Telecom) for 15 years in South Korea.


Most academic research has paid attention to “theory-first (TF)” and hypothetical scenario-based studies where a theory is developed and then tested empirically. Recently, data-rich environment has enabled researchers to use an “empirics-first (EF)” approach where a real-world marketing phenomenon is grounded, data collection and analysis are conducted, and marketing insights are drawn. Although journal editors and reviewers do not mind which comes first and focus on the contribution of each paper, using real-world, unique data for both TF and EF-based research is increasingly important for future marketing research. In this seminar, I will share (1) how to craft a high-quality manuscript, suggested by top journal editors, (2) how to apply “backwards research method” to real world data (RWD)-based empirical research, and (3) my experience of one-RWD-multi-paper strategy using mobile exercise app usage. For the third part, I will introduce how I have written multiple papers simultaneously (when topics are already decided) or sequentially (when new topics are created after old topics are written). This seminar will offer early-career researchers an idea of (1) how to utilize empirical data, especially for TF researchers, in terms of combining experimental and empirical studies and (2) how to generate interdisciplinary papers for EF researchers in a productive way.
