Why is memory (still) important? An Invitation to a Cultures of Memory Open Space Away Day

Friday, 27th January 2023, 09:00 – 14:00 – Dove Marine Laboratory, Cullercoats Harbour

The Co-convenors of HaSS Faculty Research Group, Cultures of Memory, invite both current and prospective members to an away day to help us reconnect with our
research aims and to help us establish our future activities. Help us define what Cultures of Memory mean at Newcastle University, and beyond.

The away day is using an Open Space technique where you, the participants, create the agenda around ideas most important to you.

Join us if any aspect of your research/practice touches on memory, whether that be from a humanities, social science, arts or scientific perspective.
Let’s share our ideas. All staff and PGR students are welcome.

The event is being facilitated by support from the Organisational Development team and HaSS Institutes. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
An approx. timetable for day is 09:00 arrival, for a 09:30 start, where the Open Space technique will be introduced and agenda for the day set.
We will finish no later than 14:00, if you stay for the optional lunch (13:15 – 14:00).
An Open Space day is very flexible!

Please sign up today to book your space! Registration is open: https://forms.office.com/e/pWM78egn1U

Help us spread the word about our away day, we want to attract a diverse group of colleagues to the session.
Please forward this invite to other colleagues who may be interested.

For event queries, please contact: clare.higginbotham@ncl.ac.uk
