Open Research Awards 2023

Open Research Awards 2023


Prizes of between £50 and £500 are available to colleagues and students who have embedded Open Research practices in their work.


The Open Research Awards recognise colleagues and students who have used open practices to make research more accessible, transparent or reproducible, and demonstrate an understanding of the aims of open research.


Prizes will be awarded as vouchers to the winner of the Open Research Award (£500), second place (£250) and third place (£100). Additional prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the panel.

The awards are open to all students and colleagues working in any research-related role, at any stage, within any area of the University.


Applications for an award should be submitted as a brief case study describing how open research practices have been used by individuals or a team. Entries shortlisted by the awards panel will be invited to present their case studies at Celebration Event at the Boiler House on Wednesday 21 June 2023, where the award winners will be announced.


This year we are also encouraging nominations for prizes of £50 each to recognise those who have helped to make research more open, but do not wish to submit a full case study. For example, those who have provided excellent technical or administrative support for processes that enabled open research or those who have effectively used an open practice that is uncommon in their discipline.


More information on how to enter, how to register for the Celebration Event and case studies from last year’s awards can be found on the Open Research website:

