Research Enabling Fund

We have a modest amount of funding available that we would like to make available to colleagues who may experience difficulties in attending external events such as conferences. Support is available for purposes such as:

  1. Travel upgrades for medical reasons
  2. Spouse/partner travel in exceptional cases (e.g. prolonged absence outside the UK or where there are carer responsibilities that cannot otherwise be mitigated)
  3. Additional costs for hotel accommodation closer to conference venues for accessibility reasons
  4. Support for events on campus for individuals uncomfortable with traditional conference formats.

This list is not exhaustive; we are open to other situations which may require support, so please do get in touch to discuss. Please note, we currently cannot fund anything that falls outside of Newcastle University Travel and Expenses Policy.pdf; although we are hoping to expand the scope of this in the future. Please also note that the first two examples will require approval from the central university Executive Board, so please allow sufficient time. As this will be funded from the research budget, the proposed activity will need to be research focused, and any proposed spend will need to be completed by 9th July 2023.

At this stage this is very much a pilot scheme, and we welcome any suggestions for improvement, along with suggestions for other activities we could support. If you are interested in applying for this, please contact or in the first instance to discuss.

Please note that any personal information will not be disclosed beyond the Associate Dean Research, PS Research Team and Director of EDI where appropriate.
