UKRI Pre-announcement: Accelerating the Green Economy Centres – express your interest for Newcastle scoping event

The Pre-announcement: Accelerating the Green Economy Centres – UKRI describes a call for £5million Hubs, to respond to ‘market informed grand challenges,’ which are ‘located in the most appropriate place in the UK to respond the challenge.’  The Hubs will ‘drive the translation of fundamental research through to development and deployment of emerging green solutions by attracting private investment, creating business opportunities and driving economic activity.’

As an institution, we can submit maximum two as lead.  We can partner on multiple submissions.  As an individual, you can be involved in maximum two, including only one as lead.

To start to compose our submissions, Ian Head would like to invite you to a scoping meeting on Monday 9th October, 9.30 – 10.30. Whether or not you can attend the meeting, if you’re interested in leading or participating in a submission, please use this 5 question form to tell us:

Should you have questions, please contact
