Leverhulme Research Centres – Scoping Exercise

Leverhulme Research Centres bring together a range of disciplinary perspectives and expertise which would establish or reshape a field of study to transform our understanding and achieve a step-change within that field.  The Trust has a reputation for encouraging higher risk research which is often therefore fundamental or curiosity driven (‘blue-skies’) and pan-disciplinary.

These Centres normally provide £10 million over 10 years, which primarily support costs for research staff, and they are encouraged to build on Leverhulme funding to seek additional concurrent support from other funding bodies.  Universities are able to submit one application as lead applicant to this scheme.

While the Trust has not opened the call for this yet, we would like to start early discussion with applicants who are looking to build a potential application to this call to determine the level of interest, potential research centre theme, as well as look to see what support groups may need to develop a potential application. 

If you have an idea for this call please could you contact your Faculty Senior Research Funding Development Manager to arrange a discussion with them and your Faculty Dean of Research and Innovation:

HaSS: Lorraine Smith (Lorraine.smith@ncl.ac.uk)

SAgE: Jarlath McKenna (Jarlath.mckenna@ncl.ac.uk)

FMS: Gwen Averley (Gwen.averley@ncl.ac.uk)
