International research funding circular – 28 June 2024


1.NEW  Launch of New Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) Call

IHI has launched a new call for proposals including topics on heart disease in cities, big data and arthritis, regulatory sandboxes, and how best to measure the impacts of a therapy on patients’ lives.

Call 8 has a maximum financial contribution from IHI JU of €47.55 million and consists of the following topics:

  1. A City-Based Approach to Reducing Cardiovascular Mortality in Europe.
  2. Novel Endpoints for Osteoarthritis (OA) by Applying Big Data Analytics.
  3. Modelling Regulatory Sandbox Mechanisms and Enabling Their Deployment to Support Breakthrough Innovation.
  4. Establishing novel approaches to improve clinical trials for rare and ultra-rare diseases.


First stage proposals to Call 8 must be submitted by 10 October 2024 (17:00). Further information can be found here



  1. NEW Getting those Grants: How to Prepare Yourself for Funding and Write Your Proposal

Are you an independent researcher who is working towards submitting a research funding application in the coming months? The Research Funding Development team has launched a new series of training courses to help you prepare. They cover:


  • Session 1: Preparing yourself for research funding. Thursday 3rd October 2024, 09:30-15:30
  • Session 2: Developing a fundable research idea. Wednesday 23rd October 2024, 09:30-15:30
  • Session 3: How to write a successful research funding proposal. Tuesday 5th November 2024, 09:30-15:30


All sessions will be held in-person on campus (rooms to be confirmed). More details about the courses are provided on the Learning Management System and we request that you express your interest in attending one or more of the training courses using this form:

Please complete the form by 18th July 2024. We will contact you to let you know if we are able to offer you a place.  We expect the sessions to be oversubscribed. The sessions will be repeated later if you are unable to attend on these dates or are not selected.

Please contact Jo Gascoigne-Owens with any questions (


  1. Newcastle University MSCA Doctoral Networks Forum: 11th July 2024, 11:00-12:00, Room 6.19, 6th floor, Henry Daysh Building

In preparation for the MSCA Doctoral Networks and COFUND calls, join us for the second meeting for networking and to discuss: ● Insights from the MSCA information webinars 3rd & 4th July; ● Doctoral training programme; ● Gender Equality Plan & wider EDI considerations; ● How to use the application template and portal; ● Identification of potential network proposals

Please register your attendance.


  1. Fortnightly Online Horizon Europe Drop-In Session

Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation with a budget of €95.5 billion. UK organisations can participate in Horizon Europe calls for proposals on the same terms as institutions from other Associated Countries, including leading consortia. Please join the drop-in sessions with the EU & International Research Funding Development team via Zoom to discuss any Horizon Europe questions you may have. This could be on a specific upcoming call or a general enquiry about opportunities to engage with the programme. The Zoom sessions will take place on a fortnightly basis each Friday 12:00-13:00, next on Friday 12th July 2024. Zoom link: (meeting ID: 867 9673 7745).



European related funding


  1. NEW European Prize for Women Innovators Opens

For 2024, the European Innovation Council (EIC) and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) are delivering prizes to the most inspiring women entrepreneurs whose groundbreaking innovation is creating a positive impact for people and planet. A total of nine awards will be made in the following three categories:

  • Women Innovators: This category is open to all women founders and co-founders from across the EU and Associated Countries. The winner is awarded €100,000, and two runners-up are awarded €70,000 and €50,000 respectively.
  • Rising Innovators: This category is open to promising young innovators under the age of 35. The winner is awarded €50,000, and two runners-up are awarded €30,000 and €20,000 respectively.
  • The EIT Women Leadership Award: This category is open to exceptional women leaders from the EIT Community. The winner is awarded €50,000, and two runners-up are awarded €30,000 and €20,000 respectively.

Applications for the 2024 round should be submitted by the 25 September 2024 (17:00 Brussels Time) deadline. Further information can be found here


  1. European Innovation Council (EIC) Launches Pathfinder Challenges for 2024

The EIC Pathfinder enables multidisciplinary research teams to develop the scientific basis to underpin breakthrough technologies. This route supports early stage development of future technologies up to proof of concept. The majority of funding issued through the EIC takes the form of Open Funding with no predefined thematic priorities. However, a challenge-driven approach is also used to provide funding to address specific technological and innovation breakthroughs, taking into account EU priorities for transitioning to a green, digital and healthy society. The fourth round of Pathfinder Challenge calls under Horizon Europe are now open for application. Applicants are able to submit projects to achieve breakthroughs in the following five strategic areas:

Grants of up to €4 million are available per project to enable them to achieve the proof of principle and validate the scientific basis of breakthrough technology (eg TRL 1-4). Proposals must be submitted by the coordinator on behalf of a consortium by 16 October 2024.


  1. Driving Urban Transitions European Partnership:

The Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) European Partnership is a programme of JPI Urban Europe and one of 49 European Partnerships under Horizon Europe. DUT has announced preliminary details of its third joint transnational call for proposals to support transnational research and/or innovation projects addressing urban challenges to help cities in their transition towards a more sustainable economy and functioning. Two online information days will be held on 10 September 2024 and 9 October 2024. Pre-proposals should be submitted between 2 September 2024 and 14 November 2024.


  1. INTERNAL SUPPORT: MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships:

The aim of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships are to enhance the creative and innovative potential of postdoctoral researchers with new skillsets acquired through advanced training as well as international, interdisciplinary, and intersectoral mobility. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships support researchers with a doctoral degree and a maximum of 8 years of post-graduate experience. The mobility of researchers is a key requirement in all MSCA schemes. There are 2 types of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships. The European Postdoctoral Fellowships support a stay of up to 24 months in any European host institution. The Global Postdoctoral Fellowships include an “outgoing phase” of 12 to 24 months to a host institution in a non-European country, followed by a mandatory “return phase” of 12 months at a host institution based in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country. The call is now open and is scheduled to close on 11 September 2024.

We strongly encourage you to reach out to potential strong overseas postdoctoral level candidates in your networks about the possibility to be hosted at Newcastle University. The Research Funding Development team will provide support to the candidate in developing their application. Please let know if you have a candidate in mind for hosting at Newcastle University ASAP. Please see attached document ‘MSCA-PF Proposal Development Support’ for more information on the Newcastle process and key dates.


  1. INTERNAL SUPPORT: ERC Advanced Grants 2024:

Advanced Grants provide support for established, leading principal investigators who want long-term funding to pursue a ground-breaking, high risk project. Advanced Grants may be awarded up to €2.5M for a period of 5 years, with an additional € 1 million available to cover eligible “start-up” costs and/or the purchase of major equipment, access to large facilities or other major experimental and field work costs. The call is opening 29 May 2024 with submission deadline 29 August 2024. Please contact the EU & International Research Funding Development team if applying as soon as possible, but ideally no later than 01 July 2024 and an applicant pack will also be sent.  Please see attached ‘ERC AdG Nutshell note’ for key information and a timeline for Research Funding Development team support.


  1. European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) calls

The Cluster 2 Work Programme for 2023-24 has been updated with 5 new calls, under the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH).

These calls can also now be found on the Funding and Tenders Portal:

1) HORIZON-CL2-2024-HERITAGE-ECCCH-01 – Innovative tools for digitisation and analysis of dynamic processes, objects and complex combined data

2)HORIZON-CL2-2024-HERITAGE-ECCCH-02 – Innovative tools for documenting, interlinking and organising data

3) HORIZON-CL2-2024-HERITAGE-ECCCH-03 – Innovative tools for advanced data enrichment

4)HORIZON-CL2-2024-HERITAGE-ECCCH-04 – Innovative tools for high-value interactions with visitors and heritage objects

5)HORIZON-CL2-2024-HERITAGE-ECCCH-05 – Innovative tools for the study, conservation and restoration of heritage objects

Calls for proposals open: 18th June 2024. Deadline for proposals: 22nd January 2025.


  1. European Bauhaus calls

Calls under the New European Bauhaus destination within Missions are now open. The call, “Transforming neighbourhoods, making them beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive”, contains three new topics:

1) HORIZON-MISS-2024-NEB-01-01: Exploiting the potential of secondary bio-based products

2) HORIZON-MISS-2024-NEB-01-02: New governance models for the co-design and construction of public spaces in neighbourhoods by communities

3) HORIZON-MISS-2024-NEB-01-03: Setting up a New European Bauhaus hub for results and impact

Calls for proposals opened: 7th May 2024

Deadline for proposals: 19th September 2024 (17:00, Brussels time)

For more details about NEB, please watch the Commission’s Info Day and session on NEB.


  1. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions calls:
  • MSCA COFUND: The MSCA COFUND programme provides funding for regional, national and international programmes for training and career development through co-funding mechanisms. The programme supports new or existing doctoral programmes and postdoctoral fellowship schemes managed by entities established in EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries with the aim of spreading the best practices of the MSCA. The 2024 COFUND call has a budget of €104.8 million. The call has a scheduled opening date of 23 April and will close on 26 September 2024.
  • MSCA Doctoral Networks (DN): Doctoral Networks support doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities, research institutions and infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond. These doctoral programmes will respond to well-identified needs in various research and innovation areas, expose the researchers to the academic and non-academic sectors, and offer research training, as well as transferable skills and competences relevant for innovation and long-term employability. The 2024 Doctoral Networks call will have a budget of €608.6 million. The call will open on 29 May 2024 and close on 27 November 2024.
  • MSCA Staff Exchange: Staff Exchanges fund short-term international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary exchanges of staff members involved in research and innovation activities at all stages of the innovation chain. Secondments must be between different countries and should lead to knowledge transfer between participating organisations. The 2024 Staff Exchanges call will have a budget of €99.5 million. The call will open on 19 September 2024 and close on 5 February 2025.


  1. COST Action Open Call 2024:

COST Actions provide researchers from all sectors with funding for a broad range of networking and collaboration activities and opportunities within a network. COST does not provide funding for research itself, but for a broad range of networking and collaboration activities and opportunities, including meetings, workshops, conferences, training schools, short-term scientific missions (STSM), and dissemination activities. COST Actions are bottom-up and can be on any topic, however they must fulfill certain criteria in order to be approved, such as including researchers from at least seven COST Member countries, half of whom come from the Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC). Deadline 23 October 2024.


  1. MSCA4Ukraine Call 2024

The European Commission has announced the re-launch of the MSCA4Ukraine scheme to support displaced scientists from Ukraine. It will provide fellowships for doctoral candidates and post-doctoral researchers, thus allowing them to continue their work in academic or non-academic organisations in EU Member States and countries associated to Horizon Europe (including the U.K) The second call for applications is expected to be published in June 2024 and interested parties are encouraged to subscribe to the dedicated mailing list.


  1. Social Science and Humanities (SSH) Opportunities across Horizon Europe

Net4Society has recently updated their resource on Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) opportunities across Horizon Europe. This document is the key resource to find calls and topics with relevance for SSH. It is designed to help potential proposers find topics of interest where their respective research discipline is sought. You can download the “Opportunities for Researchers from the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in Horizon Europe” document here.



Official development assistance (ODA) related funding


16: British Academy ODA Global Innovation Fellowships 2024:

The objective of the ODA (Official Development Assistance) Global Innovation Fellowships is to provide opportunities to UK-based early- and mid-career researchers from across the humanities and social sciences to develop their skills, networks and careers in the creative and cultural, public, private and policy sectors to address challenges that require innovative approaches and solutions. Awards are for up to £150,000 for 12 months, with application deadline 6 November 2024.


17: British Academy ODA Research Management Capacity Strengthening:

Funding for activities to enhance working practices and systems, to support equitable partnerships in research between research offices and research management. Enable sustainable change that continues well beyond the life of the award in institutions, including the development and implementation of policy frameworks or training programmes, for both UK and overseas institutions bearing in mind that these are likely to need to reach beyond research offices. Targeted to Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam and/or Least Developed Countries. Funding of up to £50k for 18-24 months, deadline 30 October 2024.


  1. ESRC UK-Brazil global talent exchange scheme (pilot):

This opportunity seeks to improve the connectivity between UK and Brazilian social science research communities. It is open to attract and nurture talented people from across the social sciences to remain internationally competitive in research and innovation. The funding is to provide opportunities for early career researchers to develop new collaborations which will benefit their future research and professional development. This award is up to six months and up to £20,000. Deadline 20 August 2024.


  1. British Council Grants for international research collaborations (Egypt, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Thailand, Turkey):

The ISPF Research Collaborations grants provide small scale seed funding for collaborations between the UK and the participating ISPF countries/territories in each call to: initiate new research and innovation collaborations; develop existing collaborations; encourage these collaborations to work with non-academic organisations and individuals; establish local hubs for UK- partner country/territory activity in a particular area. Countries initially joining this call include Egypt, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Thailand and Turkey. Up to £80k available (£100k fEC). Deadline 09 July 2024.




General international


  1. NEW Leducq Foundation International Networks of Excellence in Cardiovascular and Neurovascular Research

Leducq Foundation is an international grant-making organization comprised of the Leducq Foundation for Cardiovascular Research and the Leducq Corporation which provides administrative services to the grant-making entities, dedicated to improving human health through international efforts to combat cardiovascular and neurovascular disease. The International Networks of Excellence Program award is $8,000,000 over five years.  The INE program is open to investigators worldwide.  Network coordinators must be from different continents.  All Leducq networks should demonstrate the added value of international collaboration for their research program.  Follow links for Application Instructions and Application Timetable 2024-2025, with Letter of Intent deadline 11 September 2024.


  1. British Academy Global Professorships – Newcastle University internal selection process:

The Global Professorships are for established researchers to undertake high-risk, curiosity driven research in the humanities and social sciences in a UK research institution for four years.  The Global Professorships are expected to add significant value to the institutions and vice versa. Applications must be for new, coherent, and cutting-edge projects. This scheme has now opened with a deadline of applications for the 23 October.  The internal selection process timeline has been updated to reflect this as detailed in the attached document, including submission of EoI by 6 September 2024.


  1. Global Health Innovative Technology Fund

The Global Health Innovative Technology Fund (GHIT) focuses on promoting the discovery and development of new health technologies to combat malaria, tuberculosis and other neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) prevalent in developing countries. GHIT aims to foster and support international R&D partnerships that utilise Japanese expertise in health technology RD&I to develop innovative drugs, vaccines and diagnostics that are affordable and accessible to endemic populations in the developing world. Proposals are currently invited for two of the GHIT strategic funding programmes – the Target Research Platform (TRP) and Product Development Platform (PDP) – which provide funding at different stages of the R&D pathway to support the development of healthcare technologies that address unmet or priority needs in the development of drugs, diagnostics and vaccines to combat malaria, tuberculosis or other nominated NTDs. Proposals may be put forward by new or existing international consortia that include at least one Japanese and one non-Japanese organisation working in the field of health intervention R&D. Intent to Apply deadline is 11 July 2024.


  1. British Academy’s Visiting Fellowships:

The British Academy’s Visiting Fellowships programme provides outstanding academics based in any country overseas with the opportunity to be based at a UK higher education or other research institution. The programme is open to academics at any career stage, and in any discipline within the humanities and social sciences. Up to £40k available for 3 to 6 months, deadline 23 October 2024.


  1. STFC/EPSRC UK-Canada quantum for science research collaborations:

Open to researchers from the UK and Canada to collaborate on the following topics: ● quantum sensors and detectors ● quantum communications. The full economic cost (FEC) of the UK component of your project can be up to £500,000 and the FEC of the Canadian component up to CAD $500,000. Deadline 29 August 2024.


  1. Canon Foundation 2024 Europe-Japan Research Fellowships:

The Foundation provides research fellowships for European and Japanese researchers, working in any field or discipline, to travel to Europe or Japan to conduct research. European Canon Fellows are expected to pursue a period of research in Japan while Japanese Canon Fellows are expected to do their research in Europe. Fellows are free to choose their host institutes and hosts. Applicants do not have to be currently enrolled or employed at the time of application. The Foundation is particularly interested in applicants who have never travelled to Europe or Japan before. Eligible applicants are those that have obtained at least a Master’s or PhD degree within the last ten years of applying to the Canon Foundation. Fellowship awards have a value of up to €30,000 per year. Deadline 15 September 2024.


  1. Innovate UK Eureka collaborative R&D: UK-Israel:

UK registered organisations can apply for a share of up to £1 million to develop projects focused on industrial research with the Israel Innovation Authority. Deadline 30 October 2024.


  1. Innovate UK Eureka Disaster Resilience Programme collaborative research and development 2024:

UK registered organisations can apply for a share of up to £1 million to develop technologies in the field of disaster resilience, response and recovery, in partnership with organisations from participating Eureka countries. Deadline 31 October 2024.


  1. EPSRC International Centre to Centre Research Collaborations 2024:

EPSRC has opened the Outline stage of their next International Centre to Centre Research Collaborations Funding Opportunity (Outline Stage). This opportunity enables researchers from all EPSRC disciplines to apply for funding (of project duration 3-5 years) to form world-leading partnerships and work with the best international collaborators for their research. Full economic cost of projects can be up to £1,8M over 3-5 years. EPSRC will hold a webinar of 25 June 2024, with Outline deadline 25 September 2024.


  1. British Academy Knowledge Frontiers: International Interdisciplinary Research Projects 2025 – theme ‘Just Transitions’:

This programme provides UK-based researchers, active in any discipline within the humanities or the social sciences, with the opportunity to develop and lead international and interdisciplinary research projects related to the theme of Just Transitions. Awards of 24 months in duration and up to £300,000 are available. Deadline 18 September 2024.


  1. John Templeton Foundation Life Sciences Grants:

The Foundation’s Life Sciences Grants offer support for novel and fundamental research projects that seek to address questions concerning the meaning and significance of life processes, by which humanity’s place within nature can be better understood. Support is offered for experimental and theoretical work on a broad range of areas and topics, including origins of life, complexity, emergence, evolution, human development, and ecological health and interventions. Deadline for the first step, Online Funding Inquiry, is 16 August 2024.


31: UK-Canada Synthesising research on envisioning governance systems that work:

Apply for funding to work with Canada-based researchers to mobilise, examine and synthesise humanities and social sciences research on the topic of envisioning governance systems that work. You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for ESRC or AHRC funding. Funding is available for one-year projects. The UK-Canada teams can apply for up to C$ 30,000 from SSHRC and ESRC or AHRC. Further information can be found here  Deadline: 12 December 2024.


  1. NIH funding opportunities for which foreign organizations and/or foreign components of U.S. organizations may apply:

NIH funding opportunities for which foreign organizations and/or foreign components of U.S. organizations may apply:


NIH funding opportunities for which foreign components may apply:

Clinical Trial Readiness to Understand and Develop Solutions to Social, Ethical, Behavioral Implications and Barriers to Health Equity in ADRD (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (RFA-NS-25-013). Application due date: October 4, 2024

 Project Initiation Form (PIF):

If you’re in the process of developing a research proposal please ensure you submit a PIF as soon as possible. The PIF is not just a mechanism to initiate a costing, it enables the research support team to identify and engage on your behalf the varying types of research and business support beneficial to your bid. Please note you don’t need to define all resources required before engaging with the team. To maximise the support available to you, PIF submission is advised at your earliest convenience.

MSCA PF Proposal Support 2024

ERC AdG Nutshell Note 2024

British Academy Global Professorships 2024 – Internal Selection Process (1)
