Collaboration Coffees

Collaboration Coffee is a new initiative, inspired by our research community and supported by the Enhancing Research Culture Fund.


Our community have identified a need for TIME and SPACE to; progress project ideas, explore new ways of working, discuss development opportunities, strengthen networks and consider future career steps. Why not grab a (free!) coffee and start these conversations?


We know there are complex research culture issues that will take time to solve, and we are working hard with our community to tackle these. In the meantime, the Collaboration Coffee initiative provides the opportunity for collaboration and collegiality amongst colleagues and postgraduate researchers.


Collaboration Coffee is a pilot project running until July 31st 2023, if your feedback is positive, we will continue to support it! And if it doesn’t work let’s try something new. Please pick up a voucher (for 2 regular hot or cold drinks) and tell us what you think.


Visit our Research Culture SharePoint pages to find your nearest voucher location
