Accounting & Finance Half-day Research Event

Half-day Research Event – comprising two research seminars, PGR/ECR developmental session and networking lunch

Date: 26th May 2023

Time: 11:00-15:30

Location: FDC.2.16

Guest Speakers: Professor Raghavendra Rau, Cambridge University & Professor Naveen Khanna, Michigan State University

If you would like to attend, please register using the following link:

Half-day research event – comprising two research seminars, PGR/ECR developmental session and networking lunch

Research seminar 1: Professor Raghavendra Rau, Cambridge University

Time 11.00-12.00 room FDC.2.16

Title: Hazed and confused: Prenatal pollutant exposure and CEO risk-taking


Over the past several decades, there has been intense scrutiny on the effect of pollution on human health. This literature typically examines health consequences at the individual level. In this paper, we document the impact of prenatal exposure to pollution on CEOs, individuals who are likely to make consequential real decisions that affect large sections of society. Specifically, we draw on the extensive medical literature documenting the harm caused by developmental pollutants released by the most hazardous plants in the U.S. These effects were plausibly unknown when the CEO was born. We find that the CEOs with greater prenatal exposure to Superfund sites take more risks, but the risks do not pay off, adversely affecting the firm’s value, and the CEOs experience higher forced turnover. Our results point to an indirect effect of pollution beyond the immediate health effects. They also demonstrate the role that prenatal exposure to pollution plays in affecting CEO managerial styles.

Raghavendra’s profile:


Seminar 2: Professor Naveen Khanna, Michigan State University

Time 13.00-14.00 room FDC.2.16

Title: Predation and Commitment Traps in Venture Capital


We show how product market competition between startups leads to predatory behavior by their VCs. In an attempt to make their startups dominant, VCs develop a reputation for funding them aggressively over multiple rounds. While such a strategy both reduces early-stage entry and induces later-stage exit by competitors, it also results in “commitment traps” characterized by excessive competition and inflated valuations. These traps are more likely when markets are hot and/or when products are more differentiated. VCs’ commitment may be targeted, implying a reputation to support only the most profitable startups, and VC skill can complement or substitute for reputation.

Naveen’s profile:


I am sure Raghavendra’s and Naveen’s research will be of interest to many of you. I hope you will join us in welcoming them both to Newcastle and offering plenty of comments on their research.


ECR/PGR Developmental session: Professor Raghavendra Rau (Cambridge University) and Professor Naveen Khanna (Michigan State University)

Time 14.30-15.30 room FDC.2.16

Title: “Writing papers:  How to develop the hook”.


Professors Rau and Khanna will draw on their experiences as editors/associate editors/referees at a range of world-leading journals to offer their personal perspectives on the publication process and the importance of developing the paper’s hook.


To summarise, the schedule is as follows (all in room FDC.2.16):

11.00-12.00 – Seminar 1: Hazed and confused: Prenatal pollutant exposure and CEO risk-taking – Professor Raghavendra Rau, Cambridge University

12.00-13.00 – Networking lunch

13.00-14.00 – Seminar 2: Predation and Commitment Traps in Venture Capital – Professor Naveen Khanna, Michigan State University

14.00-14.30 – Refreshments

14.30-15.30 – PGR/ECR developmental event – Writing papers:  How to develop the hook – Professors Rau and Khanna
