Ecole Normale Superieure De Lyon, France

The French FaSMEd Toolkit can be accessed at
The École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS de Lyon) is the product of a very recent integration of two Écoles Normales: Humanities on the one hand, Sciences on the other.
Expertise and research foci of the institution are based on strong disciplinary competence, search for interdisciplinary projects and international cooperation. Laboratories at the ENS de Lyon are directly involved insignificant national and international activities: European and French programs (12 FP7 projects, 130 projects of the French national research funding agency –ANR), publications (around 1000 publications a year), agreements with 224 university partners in 26 countries.
The French Institute of Education is a component of the ENS de Lyon, but it has its own instances of management (director, board governance, policy advice and scientific). The French Institute of Education is a national research, training and mediation of knowledge in education, based on constant interaction with educational communities, through the recruitment of seconded teachers and professors. The French Institute of Education, according to its statutes has overall responsibility:
- to develop researches on various forms and practices of education in France and abroad; to provide support for piloting and evaluation of policies in education, in France and in international organisations;
- to provide initial training or continuing education in all areas of economic and social life; to make available scientific resources in education;
- to feed a space for debate on major contemporary issues in education.
Dr. Gilles Aldon is a mathematics teacher and researcher at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon. He is particularly involved in research on problem solving linked with the integration of new technologies in the classroom. His PhD focuses on the use of technology in the regular classroom of mathematics, seeking to understand how the incidents are indicative of perturbations that change the dynamic of the class. His research focuses:
- On the links between research and the actual use of technology in the classroom.
- On the possibilities of multi-representations given by technology and the links with teaching and learning.
He was involved in the EdUmatics Comenius project (503254-LLP-1-2009-1-UK-COMENIUSCMP) and is member of the international commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Teaching (CIEAEM).
Monica Panero is a postdoctoral researcher at the French Institute of Education of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon. She studied at the University of Turin (Italy), graduating in Mathematics in 2011 and then completing her PhD in Mathematics Education. Her research focuses on teachers’ practices in mathematics classrooms. In particular, her PhD thesis investigates the didactical transposition of the derivative concept in secondary school, by analysing in detail the work of three mathematics teachers with their grade 13 students.

Michèle Prieur is a science teacher and researcher at the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon. Her research focuses on the development of science and mathematics teachers’ professional knowledge on the status of the hypothesis in inquiry based approaches. She is leader of the national project “Plan sciences” which aims to promote science education and development of scientific culture in socially disadvantaged areas in order to ensure the continuity from primary to secondary levels. She is also involved in the national project “tactiléo” which focuses on the use of multitouch tablets in science teaching.