What we did
FaSMEd is a design research project in mathematics and science education, with a particular focus on supporting teachers in the use of formative assessment with low achieving students.
This project aimed to:
- foster high quality interactions in classrooms that are instrumental in raising achievement for low achievers;
- expand our knowledge of technologically enhanced teaching and assessment methods addressing low achievement in mathematics and science.
Major objectives for the project were to:
- produce a toolkit for teachers to support the development of practice;
- produce a professional development resource that exemplifies use of the toolkit;
- offer approaches for the use of new technologies to support the formative assessment of lower achieving students;
- develop sustainable assessment and feedback practices that improve attainment in mathematics and science for the targeted students;
- challenge stereotyped attitudes and practices which raise anxiety on the part of teachers and students;
- disseminate the outcomes of the project in the form of online resources, academic and professional publications, conference presentations as well as policy briefs to government agencies at a regional, National, European and International level.