How to use this Toolkit
Here is a ‘map’ of the toolkit showing the five main sections with their subsections.
To access a given section, click on the menu heading in the top bar; for a subsection either:
a) click on the heading in the horizontal sub menu associated with each heading

or b) *recommended* select from the side menu when you are on the main section page.
What’s in each section? Who is it for?
- Formative assessment. The section draws on theory and research related to formative assessment. It is intended for a wide audience and outlines FaSMEd’s understanding of what formative assessment is, and in particular, how technology can be used within formative assessment.
Read this section if you are interested in background research related to formative assessment.
- Tools for formative assessment. This includes ideas for classroom activities, mostly in the form of lesson plans. These are organised by the age of the students, within three overarching categories: mathematics, science and time-distance graphs (which presents all partners’ adaptations of a particular lesson).
More information about the different kinds of tools is given on the Tools page.
This section is aimed at teachers.
- Professional development resources. These include a set of six professional development modules designed to help teachers use formative assessment more effectively in their classrooms. The resources also include a theoretical section on principles for effective professional development and a practical section on ways in which professional development can be organised.
This section is meant to be used by people who are organising professional development for teachers of mathematics and science but can also be used by teachers either individually or working with peers.
- Research. This section explains FaSMEd’s research approach and provides links to downloadable files reporting on our research results. Further links to published work emanating from FaSMEd work are given.
Brief information about some related EU projects is given in the sub-page with that name.
This section is for general interest.
- About. Here we explain more about the project and the partners.
This section is for general interest.