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Måling og lengdeenheter / Units of measurement

Planleggingsdokument: Økta handler om å kunne velge rett måleenhet og kunne regne om mellom ulike måleenheter. Lesson Plan: This Norwegian lesson concerns choosing the right units of measurement, and being able to convert between different units of measurement. Fag: Matematikk Alder på elever: 10 – 11 år Hardware: PC Interactive White board / SmartBoard Software:…
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Lesson Plan: An inquiry based lesson including an experiment about preventing bacteria spreading. Subject: Science. Age of students: 10-13 years. Hardware: PC & Tablets with internet connection, Interactive Whiteboard, Projector, Mini-Whiteboards. Software: Smartboard software – SMART Notebook, Socrative – Interactive clickers system, Spreadsheet (Excel). Functionalities of Technology: Sending and Displaying. Time needed: 2 x 90…
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Walking a Graph

Lesson Plan: A lesson using motion sensors for understanding time-distance graphs. Subject: Mathematics. Age of students: 11-12 years. Hardware: Computer with Pasco data logger and echo sound sensor. Software: Pasco SparkVue software. Functionalities of Technology: Processing and Analysing. Time needed: 90 minutes. FaSMEd partner: Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Summary: The objectives of this…
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Formative assessment in Science and
Mathematics Education (FaSMEd)
The Research Centre for Learning and Teaching
Newcastle University
