The tools below are of two main kinds and are briefly described here:
- Lesson plans which have been developed, based on the experience of teachers who used the original plans, and which could be used in your classroom.
- Narratives which provide an account of what happened in FaSMEd classrooms and from which you can develop your own lesson ideas.
Microorganisms: Assessment lesson including an experiment about the prevention of bacteria spreading (English)
Lower Secondary
Heart Rate Investigation: xxx (English)
Insulation: Assessment lesson including an experiment about insulation using temperature probes and data logger software to graph a cooling curve (English)
Real and apparant size of object seen through microscope: A 6 lesson sequence about using the microscope involving a student response system (English and French)
Scales: xxx (English and French)
Time-Temperature graphs: a series of lesson for science using a student response system (English and French?)
Using Graphic Organisers: Peer-assessment lesson creating graphic organisers on a chosen topic and discussing criteria for success (English)
Who has the juiciest apple?: Planning, performing and recording an experiment about the surface-to-volume ratio (English and German)
Upper Secondary
Sweet or sour? – Teeth don’t like either: Planning and performing an experiment about the acid-protective effect of toothpaste (English and German)