Lesson Plan: Two peer-assessment lessons about creating graphic organisers on a chosen topic. Subject: Science/ Mathematics. Age of students: 12-13 years. Hardware: Tablets (Surface or iPads). Software: Popplet. Functionalities of Technology: Sending and displaying. Time needed: 2 x 40 minutes. FaSMEd Partner: Maynooth University. Summary: Students develop graphic organisers on a topic and then share…
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Lesson Account: Two lessons using tablets and an interactive whiteboard to share student work and promote discussion. Subject: Mathematics Age of students: 11-13 years. Hardware: Small and big cards, Posters, Tablet, Interactive Whiteboard. Software: Whiteboard software. Functionalities of Technology: Sending and Displaying. Time needed: 115 minutes. FaSMEd Partner: University of Maynooth. Summary: This lesson unit is…
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Digitale Toets Omgeving: Docentenhandleiding voor de toetsmodule Grafieken. Vak: Rekenen-Wiskunde. Leeftijd leerlingen: 11-14 jaar. Hardware: PC met een browser voorzien van Java. Software: Digitale Toets Omgeving (DTO). Functionaliteit van de technologie: Versturen en weergeven, Verwerken en analyseren, Verstrekken van een interactieve omgeving. Benodigde tijd: Verschillende delen van lessen. FaSMEd partner: Universiteit Utrecht. Samenvatting: De Utrecht…
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Lesson Plan: Two lessons investigating the effect of exercise on heart rate. Subject: Science. Age of students: 12-13 years. Hardware: Tablets (Surface or iPad), Heart Rate Monitors. Software: Educreations or Explain Everything, Schoology. Functionalities of Technology: Sending and Displaying. Time needed: 80 minutes (2 class periods). FaSMEd partner: Maynooth University. Summary: This is a set…
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Lesson Plan: Two lessons about insulation using temperature probes and data logger software. Subject: Science. Age of students: 12-13 years. Hardware: Tablets (Surface or iPad), Bluetooth temperature probes, Interactive Whiteboard. Software: LoggerPro, Schoology. Functionalities of Technology: Sending and Displaying. Time needed: 100 minutes. FaSMEd partner: Maynooth University. Summary: In this lesson teachers explore student misconceptions…
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Lesson Plan: A concept development lesson about matching equations and statements. Subject: Mathematics. Age of students: 14-15 years. Non-digital Technology: Small and big cards, Mini whiteboards. Functionalities of Technology: Sending and displaying. Time needed: 60-90 minutes. FaSMEd Partner: The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Schools Enrichment Centre. Summary: This lesson is about interpreting algebraic equations…
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Lesson Account: A sequence of 3 lessons defining the notion of probability through a game. For the French version click here. Subject: Mathematics. Age of students: 14-15 years. Hardware: Tablets and teacher PC (with Internet access), Interactive Whiteboard. Software: NetSupport School (connected classroom technology), OneNote. Functionalities of Technology: Sending and Displaying, Processing and Analysing. Time…
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Lesson Account: A sequence of 4 lessons introducing the topic of linear functions. For the French version click here. Subject: Mathematics. Age of students: 14-15 years. Hardware: Tablets and teacher PC (with Internet access) Interactive Whiteboard. Software: NetSupport School (connected classroom technology) OneNote Maple TA. Functionalities of Technology: Sending and Displaying Processing and Analysing Providing…
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Digitale Toets Omgeving: Docentenhandleiding voor de toetsmodule Metriek. Vak: Rekenen-Wiskunde Leeftijd leerlingen: 11-14 jaar Hardware: PC met een browser voorzien van Java Software: Digitale Toets Omgeving (DTO) Functionaliteit van de technologie: Versturen en weergeven Verwerken en analyseren Verstrekken van een interactieve omgeving Benodigde tijd: Verschillende delen van lessen FaSMEd partner: Universiteit Utrecht Samenvatting: De Utrecht…
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Lesson Plan: An inquiry based lesson including an experiment about preventing bacteria spreading. Subject: Science. Age of students: 10-13 years. Hardware: PC & Tablets with internet connection, Interactive Whiteboard, Projector, Mini-Whiteboards. Software: Smartboard software – SMART Notebook, Socrative – Interactive clickers system, Spreadsheet (Excel). Functionalities of Technology: Sending and Displaying. Time needed: 2 x 90…
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