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Lesson Plan: A problem-solving activity involving 3D shapes and nets.

Subject: Mathematics.
Age of students: 11-14 years.
Hardware: iPads (1 per class or student).
Software: Socrative or Classflow,
Apple airsever or Showme and Reflector software.
Functionalities of Technology: Sending and Displaying,
Processing and Analysing.
Time needed: 3 hours.
FaSMEd Partner: University of Newcastle upon Tyne.


This lesson is intended to help you assess how well students are able to:

      • Select appropriate mathematical methods to use for an unstructured problem.
      • Interpret a problem situation, identifying constraints and variables, and specify assumptions.
      • Work with 2- and 3-dimensional shapes to solve a problem involving capacity and surface area.
      • Communicate their reasoning clearly.


This tool describes ways in which digital technology can be used to support formative assessment. The original materials (pen-and-paper) were designed by the Mathematics Assessment Project and can be found under the link above.

Formative assessment in Science and
Mathematics Education (FaSMEd)
The Research Centre for Learning and Teaching
Newcastle University
