Virtual Summer School: Decolonising Research Methodologies in Applied Linguistics and Education

Dr Sarah Ganassin oversaw a highly successful Virtual Summer School, bringing together students and staff from Newcastle University and the University of Nicosia in Cyprus to explore a wide range of issues, including decolonising theoretical perspectives, intercultural communication and collaboration, with the aim of equipping doctoral students with the research skills needed to progress their academic career.

A photo of students sitting around a table playing the Team Work Training Board Game

Team Work Training – Alien Alliance Groupwork Board Game

Dr Catherine Douglas (staff: she/her) and Manjot Brar (student intern: she/her) from the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, discuss the development of an innovative ice-breaking board game to enable students to discuss effective strategies for addressing common group working issues, and learn about the value of feedback. Students were integral to the design of the game which was funded to address requests for support in preparing for groupwork. This extremely successful pilot initiative will continue to be used and can be loaned out to anyone interested in reviewing the game and trialing with their students.

Rosalind Beaumont

The SustainaWHAT? Gatherings – embedding Education for Sustainable Development in PGR education and researcher development

Rosalind Beaumont, Senior Lecturer in School X discusses how Newcastle PGR students had the opportunity to come together via a cross-faculty series of events during COP26 in November 2021, to explore and discuss their research through the lens of sustainable development. This allowed students to develop a wide range of skills, collaborate across disciplines and reflect on their experiences and learning.