Dr Paul Mackay

Supporting Maths teaching with H5P

Paul Mackay has been creating and incorporating H5P content as a regular part of teaching mathematics at INTO. The H5P content editor supports the use of LateX – speeding up the creation of content, and this is a feature that Paul uses in most of his resources.

Newcastle campus and Loyola campus
The Yamuna and Tyne rivers
Screenshot of the Zoom meeting of the Sociology Teaching Online Group: Pauline McCormack, Mwenza Blell, Daniel Goodman, Janice McLaughlin

Online Collaborative Teaching Support During the Pandemic

Sociology, like all other teaching units at Newcastle during the pandemic, faced massive challenges adapting teaching practice and approaches to the rapid switch to online teaching. In the summer of 2020 a working group, which became the Teaching Online Group (TOG), was created to develop an approach to helping colleagues prepare for the new academic year. The group and its activities became a continued point of much needed collaborative advice and sharing across the year.

Enhanced Personal Tutoring: Embedding Academic Mentorship

An overhaul of the personal tutoring system resulted in the introduction of Academic Mentorship in the School of Medical Education. Find out how this impacted on student evaluation, portfolio usage metrics, and academic performance

Rachelle Maddison and Paul Mackay