Alessio Iannetti

Enhancing support for international students in FMS

Dr Alessio Iannetti (FMS) explored how best to support international students—while comparing their needs to those of home students. Guided by student and colleagues feedback, his pilot project suggests practical ways to strengthen support and foster inclusive learning communities.

Photo of Loiana Leal

Using Inspera for a Language Module Assessment Strategy

Loiana Leal, Lecturer in Modern Languages discusses how she worked alongside the Digital Exams Team from LTDS to integrate digital examinations in a Portuguese language module using Inspera, collaborating with students to develop authentic assessments delivering enhancements in marking processes, feedback delivery and a high quality student experience during formative and summative assessments.

Photograph of Katie Wray

Using portfolios to capture competency and engagement beyond module assessment

Discover how Katie Wray, Senior Lecturer in Engineering, collaborated with colleagues from LTDS and FMS TEL to pioneer an innovative reflective portfolio approach that was used with first-year undergraduate engineering students.

Photo of John Hedley

Viewing a module’s exam questions to enhance student engagement

John Hedley, Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering, explains how his module’s NUMBAS exam assesses students’ effort during the module, by giving them the opportunity to see, practise and ask for advice on all exam questions prior to taking the exam, and in the process developing a deep understanding of the module’s learning outcomes.

Photo of John Hedley

Creating consistent and automatic feedback for large student cohorts

Dr John Hedley, Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering, designed a marking criteria for a team of markers on a large population engineering module, enabling fast and consistent marking, alongside effective descriptive student feedback that is automatically generated.

Dr David Grundy

Looking Beyond the Data – Using Student Learning Analytics as a Conversation Starter

Dr David Grundy, Director of Digital Education Newcastle University Business School Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences  What did you do? I was part of the Learning Analytics Pilot who were using the Jisc platform, Data Explorer, to have data-informed conversations with my students about their progress and support. I usually have four meetings a Read more about Looking Beyond the Data – Using Student Learning Analytics as a Conversation Starter[…]

A photograph of John Holton

Developing diverse skill-sets, student engagement, and self-evaluation in a poster assessment

Dr John Holton, Senior Lecturer in Ancient History, describes designing a poster assignment for his stage 2 module that builds and tests diverse skill-sets, promotes student engagement by enabling students to self-select and then personally research their choice of topic, resulting in students showing an increased assessment confidence and unusually high engagement with the task.

A picture of Angela Mazzetti

Working in Partnership with the Academic Skills Team to Develop Effective Student Guidance on Designing and Producing an Infographic Assessment

Dr Angela Mazzetti from NUBS explains her partnership work with Liv Jonassen of the Academic Skills Team from the Library to produce engaging and informative assessment support videos on the subject of designing infographics for BUS2040, resulting in an improvement in student achievement, and increased confidence when engaging with the assessment.

An image of the top section of the 'How does it work?' info graphic, including the title, a cartoon figure with question marks above its head, the words PEC in HCA, followed by a short explanation of what a PEC is.

Supporting students through Personal Extenuating Circumstances (PEC) via tailored infographic

John Holton, Director of Education in HCA explains how student demand for clarity on navigating the PEC process led him to develop a bespoke, student-facing infographic, re-packaging important information and key take-aways in an engaging and easy to understand format, resulting in a reduction in student anxiety, increasing confidence in the process, and reducing workload for staff responding to queries.

Using AI in a Problem-Based Learning session: “Hunger hotspots”

Dr Amy Proctor and Dr Beth Clark designed a problem-based learning session for students of  Sustainability in Practice – a new shared module for Agriculture, Earth and Environment, and Applied Social Sciences Cluster (AESSC) students. In this session, students will use AI tools to generate solutions to food insecurity, and evaluate them critically.