Italian Street

Newcastle Calls collaborative teaching project

Here’s how this Newcastle Calls project encouraged students to co-create their learning materials, make the most out of online learning tools and challenge the traditional language listening exercise along the way.

Dr Stephanie Holton

Creative Translation in Classics

An approach to diversifying linguistic skills in ancient languages through non-traditional assignments. Recognised by an external examiner as an innovative assessment for the languages. Read on to find out more.

Okke Baumbach

Using short online learning programmes to help students transition between stages

Okke Baumbach introduced a short online course to help students transition from their year abroad into their final year. Incorporating a range of non synchronous activities helped ensure students could get the most from the course across different time zones.

Using Microsoft Teams for undergraduate groupwork and the development of digital skills

Gill Holden embedded Microsoft Teams into a group work module resulting in successful collaborations and excellent student feedback. This case study includes helpful tips for those looking to do the same.

Two books and a computer

Politics Curriculum Review

Politics instituted a full curriculum review, lasting over a year, to investigate how they could enhance their programmes in the following areas: feedback and assessment; student voice; employability; EDI; and teaching research methods. Find out more from Dr Michael Barr.

Ruth Houghton
Business School Buildings
Beyond Employability Booklets

Beyond Employability

Following students expressing anxiety over their ‘employability’ and their lives postgraduation, a year long research project in the School of Arts and Cultures explored how employability is embedded within teaching practice and ethos of the School as a whole. The Beyond Employability teaching pack provides a summary of the research, key findings and a number of teaching activities.