Dr Fred Wu

Speech Cloud for independent learning of MA Translation and Interpreting students

Dr Fred Wu developed Speech Cloud, a series a short video clips that allowed students to personalise their learning. He also made the most of Teams, Zoom and Canvas to successfully integrate learning materials.

Point of View videos in Biomedical Sciences for Final Year Undergraduate projects during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Dr Claudia Schneider & Dr Graeme Wells School of Biomedical Sciences Faculty of Medical Sciences Who is involved? Dr Claudia Schneider, Principal Research Associate, Biosciences Institute Dr Graeme Wells, Postdoctoral researcher Stage 3 Undergraduate students. What did you do? Used POV (point of view) videos to recreate an on-site experience for final year undergraduates undertaking Read more about Point of View videos in Biomedical Sciences for Final Year Undergraduate projects during the Covid-19 Pandemic[…]

Using Microsoft Teams for undergraduate groupwork and the development of digital skills

Gill Holden embedded Microsoft Teams into a group work module resulting in successful collaborations and excellent student feedback. This case study includes helpful tips for those looking to do the same.