Flipped videos
Rajesh Tiwari from the School of Engineering shares how he uses videos to deliver a flipped classroom.
Rajesh Tiwari from the School of Engineering shares how he uses videos to deliver a flipped classroom.
Professor Tom Joyce, Professor of Orthopaedic Engineering School of Engineering Science, Agriculture and Engineering What did you do? The School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering (MSE) changed the Stage 2 Design module to a Design and Manufacturing module, and completed the transition from a paper-based design exercise to a group exercise which required students to Read more about A hands-on project-based mechanical engineering design module focusing on sustainability[…]
Dr Glynn Atksinson describes the benefits of peer feedback for Stage 1 engineering students.
Professor Tom Joyce School of Engineering Science, Agriculture and Engineering What did you do? Newcastle University’s School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering used a combination of Primal Pictures anatomical software, bespoke teaching materials and peer to peer learning within the Bioengineering module. This allowed Bioengineering students to quickly construct an understanding of anatomical principles which Read more about Teaching anatomy to engineering students using state-of-the-art anatomical software[…]
Melissa Ware, School Postgraduate Research Administrator School of Engineering Science, Agriculture and Engineering What did you do? A Postgraduate Research Student Away Day has been held for the past two years to inspire community and social activity among students who come from a wide variety of research areas and expertise as well as countries, cultures Read more about PGR student away day[…]