Photo of Loiana Leal

Using Inspera for a Language Module Assessment Strategy

Loiana Leal, Lecturer in Modern Languages discusses how she worked alongside the Digital Exams Team from LTDS to integrate digital examinations in a Portuguese language module using Inspera, collaborating with students to develop authentic assessments delivering enhancements in marking processes, feedback delivery and a high quality student experience during formative and summative assessments.

A photograph of Vicky Fawcett and a colleague, standing in front of a Space Investigators Poster

Space Investigators: a cross-university astronomy exhibition co-developed by students and staff

In this case study Dr Vicky Fawcett, Research Associate in Astrophysics, describes how Newcastle, Durham and Northumbria Universities collaborated to design a hugely successful astronomy exhibition at the Great North Museum, with the aim of getting more children from low socioeconomic backgrounds, as well as their families and the wider local community, interested in STEM subjects.

An image of the top section of the 'How does it work?' info graphic, including the title, a cartoon figure with question marks above its head, the words PEC in HCA, followed by a short explanation of what a PEC is.

Supporting students through Personal Extenuating Circumstances (PEC) via tailored infographic

John Holton, Director of Education in HCA explains how student demand for clarity on navigating the PEC process led him to develop a bespoke, student-facing infographic, re-packaging important information and key take-aways in an engaging and easy to understand format, resulting in a reduction in student anxiety, increasing confidence in the process, and reducing workload for staff responding to queries.

Students as Creative Designers and Developers of Relevant Learning Analytics: A First-Hand Experience Approach

Dr Raghda Zahran, Programme and Project Manager from the Project Management Office worked with colleagues from the School of Computing to engage postgraduate students taking an Innovation Project, offering students a unique opportunity to apply their Data Science skills meaningfully, alongside developing an understanding of Learning Analytics from Newcastle University students’ perspectives, to inform the development of practical tools and strategies.

Technologies for Feedback & Advice in PGR Supervision

Dr Stacy Gillis and Dr Chiara Pellegrini present the findings of their NUTELA Funded project researching the technologies used by supervisors to provide feedback and advice to postgraduate students, highlighting the the most and least popular methods of feedback and making recommendations for best practice to improve the student experience of feedback.

Two books and a computer

Politics Curriculum Review

Politics instituted a full curriculum review, lasting over a year, to investigate how they could enhance their programmes in the following areas: feedback and assessment; student voice; employability; EDI; and teaching research methods. Find out more from Dr Michael Barr.

Dr Jennifer Orr

‘Doing the Degree’: the learning community and roadmap to degree success

Creating a community can be challenging, particularly in a modular course but the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics have started to address this with the ‘Doing the Degree’ sessions. Read about their programme of events and find out how it all came together in this case study.

Politics guide to assessment and feedback

Dr David Walker, Politics Senior Tutor School of Geography, Politics and Sociology Humanities and Social Sciences What did you do? We produced a booklet called ‘The Politics Guide to Assessment and Feedback’ for distribution to all undergraduate politics students. The Guide provides information about the different forms of assessment used in Politics, assessment criteria, the Read more about Politics guide to assessment and feedback[…]