Staff working on module design

Assessing online collaboration to replicate authentic clinical practice

Module leaders worked collaboratively to create an assessment that related to authentic clinical practice of pain management. A number of approaches were used to achieve this including mapping out the module design and using rubrics in the assessment.

Ruth Houghton
Emma Cockburn

Fusing team-based flipped learning and animations

Can animations and team based flipped learning help students to start to think like experts? Dr Emma Cockburn shares her approach to a one hour lecture with Sport and Exercise Science Students.

Student and lecturer in practical workshop
Pictures of 4 students

Virtual Exchange for Internationalisation

Virtual exchanges can support internationalisation of curricula as well as developing a range of skills that students might need to live and work internationally. This collaborative case study covers the who, how and why of incorporating virtual exchanges into the MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL.

Ancient Coin
Students from the 2018 cohort

Blogs for big questions

“Will robots replace teachers in the future? Discuss”  Dr James Stanfield uses blogs to encourage MA students to answer this and other big questions. This case study outlines how he does this and what the outcomes are.

Transforming a module from face-to-face delivery to blended format

Find out how the HSS8002 information and library skills module (part of the HASS PG researcher development programme) was transformed from face-to-face delivery into blended (i.e. online and face-to-face) format.

Hadrian's Wall sunset

Hadrian’s Wall: Developing a MOOC

A 6 week MOOC that has been accessed in over 125 nations. Professor Ian Haynes highlights how collaborative working has helped ensure success as well as giving an overview of some of the teaching and learning lessons that can be applied more widely.