Jessi Komes

Assessing students innovatively via peer-reviewed small group video presentations

Dr Jessica Komes assessed students through a pre-recorded oral group presentation. As well as assessing the student’s ability to orally articulate the intended knowledge and skill outcomes, this approach helped students engage with each other and provided an opportunity for peer feedback.


Building Community

A support network was established in September 2020 to support new PhD students during lockdown, with a focus on keeping students on track with their induction progress and helping to reduce the isolation students were feeling. Dr Laura Leonardo shares how this worked.

INTO Pathway and Canvas Structures

Tami King and Nataliya Thomson, Module Leaders INTO Newcastle University What did you do? Created an easy-to-follow main homepage and pathway structure for multiple classes in one Canvas course. Made it very easy for students to navigate through, using five main areas of navigation to keep the structure straight forward. Pathways had a similar look Read more about INTO Pathway and Canvas Structures[…]

INTO Student Community through Canvas

Stephen Grinsell, Director of Studies & Student Experience INTO Newcastle University What did you do? Created a student community on Canvas to initially support student orientation and induction weeks, but to also give a home to INTO Student Support and its various elements. For orientation and induction we needed a space to host information on Read more about INTO Student Community through Canvas[…]

Profile picture for Dr David Walker

The Politics of Happiness

David Walker in the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology has placed student wellbeing at the centre of his module Politics of Happiness. Find out how weekly assignments posted to Canvas on mindfulness, meditation, exercise, and unplugging your devices, have helped improve student engagement…

Staff working on module design

Assessing online collaboration to replicate authentic clinical practice

Module leaders worked collaboratively to create an assessment that related to authentic clinical practice of pain management. A number of approaches were used to achieve this including mapping out the module design and using rubrics in the assessment.

Dr Jennifer Orr

‘Doing the Degree’: the learning community and roadmap to degree success

Creating a community can be challenging, particularly in a modular course but the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics have started to address this with the ‘Doing the Degree’ sessions. Read about their programme of events and find out how it all came together in this case study.

Professor Janice Ellis

Creating a supportive learning environment through integration of year groups

The School of Dental Sciences have created an effective learning community giving students across stages and programmes the opportunity to work together and learn from each other.