A photo of students sitting around a table playing the Team Work Training Board Game

Team Work Training – Alien Alliance Groupwork Board Game

Dr Catherine Douglas (staff: she/her) and Manjot Brar (student intern: she/her) from the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, discuss the development of an innovative ice-breaking board game to enable students to discuss effective strategies for addressing common group working issues, and learn about the value of feedback. Students were integral to the design of the game which was funded to address requests for support in preparing for groupwork. This extremely successful pilot initiative will continue to be used and can be loaned out to anyone interested in reviewing the game and trialing with their students.

Photo of Mark Jackson

Students as partners in learning

With Mark Jackson School of History, Classics & Archaeology Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences What did you do? Used student generated content to focus seminars; negotiated essay questions with students and offered a choice of format for a creative project. Who is involved? Dr Mark Jackson, Senior Lecturer Archaeology. For my 20 credit final Read more about Students as partners in learning[…]

INTO Pathway and Canvas Structures

Tami King and Nataliya Thomson, Module Leaders INTO Newcastle University What did you do? Created an easy-to-follow main homepage and pathway structure for multiple classes in one Canvas course. Made it very easy for students to navigate through, using five main areas of navigation to keep the structure straight forward. Pathways had a similar look Read more about INTO Pathway and Canvas Structures[…]

INTO Student Community through Canvas

Stephen Grinsell, Director of Studies & Student Experience INTO Newcastle University What did you do? Created a student community on Canvas to initially support student orientation and induction weeks, but to also give a home to INTO Student Support and its various elements. For orientation and induction we needed a space to host information on Read more about INTO Student Community through Canvas[…]

Photo of Prof Tom Hill

Weekly Nutrition Research Seminars

Tom Hill, Professor of Nutrition in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, invited students to research based seminars to help them feel part of the overall nutrition research community.

Employability Events and Town Hall meetings

The School of Computing have been running sessions with employers from industry to give students the opportunity to see the connection between what they are learning now and their future working environments.