Assessing online collaboration to replicate authentic clinical practice

Module leaders worked collaboratively to create an assessment that related to authentic clinical practice of pain management. A number of approaches were used to achieve this including mapping out the module design and using rubrics in the assessment.

WISDOM: Women In Science Doing Outstanding Maths

WISDOM is an inspiring outreach event aimed at encouraging girls in years 9 and 10 to study Maths at A Level. The event included a range of speakers highlighting the opportunities that studying Maths can bring. Dr Kate Henderson outlines some of the successes of the event in this case study.

Your module at a glance – creating module roadmaps to support student learning

Making use of module roadmaps has helped students get the most out of their learning, reduced ten page documents down to one and resulted in learning activities and expectations being communicated ‘at a glance’. Rosalind Beaumont shares how this approach has been used in the HaSS Faculty PGCert in Research Training.

Psychological Applied Learning Scenarios

Dr Elizabeth Evans describes how she uses real world scenarios to engage students and to help them to put theory and research into practice. She uses interactive seminars, OMBEA, peer support and formative assessment to support this process.

PeerWise: Creation of a programme wide student built database of practice exam questions for medical students

Dr Clare Guilding, Dean of Academic Affairs (Medicine) Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia  (Case Study from School of Medical Education, Newcastle Campus) Medical Sciences What did you do? Established courses the online quizzing platform PeerWise for medical students Who is involved? All stages of the MBBS (medicine) degree programme. How do you do it? Students always Read more about PeerWise: Creation of a programme wide student built database of practice exam questions for medical students[…]