Reduced Inequalities
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Lived Experience Exchange

LEE (Lived Experienced Exchange) is a group of service users and trainee clinical psychologists who work together to make sure that views and experiences of service users are interwoven into learning and teaching. Read more about the group and current projects in this case study.

Photo of Mark Jackson

Students as partners in learning

With Mark Jackson School of History, Classics & Archaeology Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences What did you do? Used student generated content to focus seminars; negotiated essay questions with students and offered a choice of format for a creative project. Who is involved? Dr Mark Jackson, Senior Lecturer Archaeology. For my 20 credit final Read more about Students as partners in learning[…]

INTO Pathway and Canvas Structures

Tami King and Nataliya Thomson, Module Leaders INTO Newcastle University What did you do? Created an easy-to-follow main homepage and pathway structure for multiple classes in one Canvas course. Made it very easy for students to navigate through, using five main areas of navigation to keep the structure straight forward. Pathways had a similar look Read more about INTO Pathway and Canvas Structures[…]

Italian Street

Newcastle Calls collaborative teaching project

Here’s how this Newcastle Calls project encouraged students to co-create their learning materials, make the most out of online learning tools and challenge the traditional language listening exercise along the way.

Teaching anatomy to engineering students using state-of-the-art anatomical software

Professor Tom Joyce  School of Engineering Science, Agriculture and Engineering What did you do? Newcastle University’s School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering used a combination of Primal Pictures anatomical software, bespoke teaching materials and peer to peer learning within the Bioengineering module. This allowed Bioengineering students to quickly construct an understanding of anatomical principles which Read more about Teaching anatomy to engineering students using state-of-the-art anatomical software[…]