Find your own primary sources writing portfolio
Students studying HIS3212 : Reconstruction and the New South, 1865-1914 are asked to find their own primary resources resulting in a variety of resources and a number of new insights.
Students studying HIS3212 : Reconstruction and the New South, 1865-1914 are asked to find their own primary resources resulting in a variety of resources and a number of new insights.
Archaeology students submit a formative piece, “What will I get from my degree?” near the start of Semester 1. Find out more from Dr James Gerrard in this Case Study.
Dr James Gerrard used formative tests with postgraduate students which helps to encourage engagement with resources and contributes to better summative assessment grades.
Students in Dental Sciences are taking part in peer review. Discover how this is working and how PeerMark has helped make the process easier.
Team Based-Learning (TBL) was used in the MBBS curriculum helping students to develop team working skills and providing a forum for meaningful discussion.
This case study describes how formative tests are used in the School of Engineering to scaffold students learning prior to summative assessment.
Tom Astley, winner of the Outstanding Contribution to Feedback Teaching Excellence Award shares his approach to providing continuous feedback to students.
Dr Sue Thorpe records feedback using Blackboard for MSc Psychology Students. Students have responded well to this with lots of positive comments. Read more in the case study.
Image by John Donoghue
Find out about how Newcastle University Students took part in a competition to prepare a marketing and product development plan for local firm Greggs.
When teaching ophthalmology to MBBS students Dr Jeffry Hogg introduced a range of games and quizzes to help engage students with their learning.
Image by Eleri Tunstall