Dr Ahmed Kharrufa smiling
Carrie and Zoe

Peer Assisted Learning, Learner and Leader Perspectives

Carrie, a peer assisted learning leader, chats with Zoe, a student learning Mandarin, to share the challenges and successes of moving to online learning from both perspectives.

Dr Meiko O'Halloran

Outstanding Contribution to Feedback

Dr Meiko O’Halloran, Senior Lecturer in English, puts her success in the Outstanding Contribution to Feedback category at the 19/20 NUSU Education Awards down to focussing on the positive, enhancing autonomy and using peer feedback in small group settings. Hear more from Dr O’Halloran in our latest case study.

Italian Street

Newcastle Calls collaborative teaching project

Here’s how this Newcastle Calls project encouraged students to co-create their learning materials, make the most out of online learning tools and challenge the traditional language listening exercise along the way.

Dr Stephanie Holton

Creative Translation in Classics

An approach to diversifying linguistic skills in ancient languages through non-traditional assignments. Recognised by an external examiner as an innovative assessment for the languages. Read on to find out more.

Two books and a computer

Politics Curriculum Review

Politics instituted a full curriculum review, lasting over a year, to investigate how they could enhance their programmes in the following areas: feedback and assessment; student voice; employability; EDI; and teaching research methods. Find out more from Dr Michael Barr.

Kate Henderson

WISDOM: Women In Science Doing Outstanding Maths

WISDOM is an inspiring outreach event aimed at encouraging girls in years 9 and 10 to study Maths at A Level. The event included a range of speakers highlighting the opportunities that studying Maths can bring. Dr Kate Henderson outlines some of the successes of the event in this case study.

Rosalind Beaumont

Your module at a glance – creating module roadmaps to support student learning

Making use of module roadmaps has helped students get the most out of their learning, reduced ten page documents down to one and resulted in learning activities and expectations being communicated ‘at a glance’. Rosalind Beaumont shares how this approach has been used in the HaSS Faculty PGCert in Research Training.

Dr Jennifer Orr

‘Doing the Degree’: the learning community and roadmap to degree success

Creating a community can be challenging, particularly in a modular course but the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics have started to address this with the ‘Doing the Degree’ sessions. Read about their programme of events and find out how it all came together in this case study.